Monday, June 6, 2011


The theory that anti-matter, the reverse of matter, exists has already been proven, but scientists recently captured anti-matter for 16 minutes, paving the way for further experiments.  It could help to answer a question that has long plagued physicists: Why is there only ordinary matter in our universe? Scientists think antimatter and matter should have been produced in equal amounts during the Big Bang that created the universe 13.6 billion years ago.   

And, theoretically at least, when anti-matter comes in contact with matter there will be a horrendous explosion, leaving nothing.  Although these experiments are being conducted in Geneva, there are a few of us who would prefer that they be conducted in Washington, DC. 

Q.  I heard that there is a guy in Florida who pulled a switch and foreclosed on the bank.  What’s the story?  (Paula ~ East Wendover, Utah) 
A. He bought a house and paid off the loan and the bank sent him a foreclosure notice.  So, he personally fought the bank, ended up in court and won the case.  Feeling that he should also be compensated for his time, he asked the Court for more money and they agreed and gave him the judgment.  Bank of America refused to pay, so he contacted his attorney who agreed with his plight and tried to contact the bank’s lawyers and upper management, but they would not respond.  So, they foreclosed on the bank.  Bank of America said there were internal problems that prevented paying the judgment on time, forked over the money and apologized.  Now, if the guy can only manage to collect his foreclosure costs from the bank….

Q.  Pro-Palestinian forces and Syrians fired off attacks across the Israeli Border over the week end.  Is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict about to be renewed?  (Cale ~ Lander, WY)
A.  It certainly seems possible, since Palestine accused Netanyahu of declaring war in his speeches to the U.S. Congresses recently.  Of course, we know what side Obama personally wants to take if war does actually break out, and it is not Israel’s.    

Q.  I hear they have found the ruins of an old church in Florida that’s over 300 years old.  That would mean it was built in the 1700’s.  There are a lot of buildings that old still existing in the country, so why was this one buried and forgotten?  (Sophie ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A.  The church is believed to have been built in Saint Augustine in 1677. The foundation was found on the site of the first and longest-lasting of the Spanish missions in Florida. After English raiders destroyed the church in 1728, the ruins were buried and forgotten.  That’s what happens when you don’t cling on to your guns and religion. 

Eskimo: ‘If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?’ Priest: ‘No, not if you did not know.’ Eskimo: ‘Then why did you tell me?’” ~ Annie Dillard


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