The Congress talks about the shortage of money in the Social Security system as being some kind of a flawed program. “It has to be fixed,” they say, or it will bankrupt the nation. And, they talk about it as it was their money.
First of all, that’s OUR money in there, what’s left of it. Not one dime of it belongs to “them.” You paid into it, I paid into it and our employers paid into it. The damned government never stuck a penny into that fund, but they sure as hell got their grubby fingers on that money and they spent it the same way they have taken this nation to the brink of economic collapse. Had they not confiscated… stolen… our money, there would still be tons of money left in the program. But, now that they have trashed the program and stolen our money, they want to change the “entitlement” so they can steal some more. The real reason they are trying to avoid dealing with the issue is that their thieving ways will end up in our faces every day that they talk about it and they want to be reelected, as if they deserve it. It’s our money. Go ahead and pay us our money right now, all of it, and then you can change it or abolish it as you will.
Q. Is Newt Gingrich really finished? (Maurice ~ Chowchilla, CA)
A. Yes. He said it and he meant it or he would not have waited two days to apologize for it. And Limbaugh nailed him further on it; if he didn’t say it and he didn’t mean it, why did he apologize for it? He’s toast. Be happy we know the truth now. Don’t be surprised if he switches parties.
Q. Finally, a state that is showing some sense! Colorado voted down a bill to give illegal aliens an in-state tuition rate. Why aren’t more states stepping up to the plate; illegals should get nothing except a one-way trip out of the country, first offense, and jail time if they come back.
A. Finally, a reader that gets it! Most of our immigration problems are caused by the Federal government mandates or by left-wing liberal thinking. Look for the ACLU to take Colorado to court over this issue. It’s not over yet.
Q. I understand that Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave President Obama quite a stern lecture during their meeting. He certainly appeared to be somewhat angry when he spoke afterwards. Do you think Obama got the message?
A. No. Obama has yet to get any message from anybody. He’s a pathological narcissist; therefore, no one else exists.
“I think that a strong Israel is the only Israel that will bring the Arabs to the peace table.” ~ Benjamin Netanyahu
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