Herman Cain announced his bid for the Presidency Saturday.
So, who is Herman Cain? This is the guy who, I think, Obama should be paying attention to. He’s articulate, he makes good conservative statements, he has an excellent track record in business, and he is a political novice. Beside these things, he’s black and his choice as the Republican candidate would totally denude and exclude Obama’s rhetoric about racism. Match him up with Bachmann or Palin and I don’t think Obama can get 30% of the vote. But then again, the Democratic candidate might not be Obama; it could be Hillary. I think if you had a runoff between Hillary and Barry right now, Hillary would win hands down. But, you need to start learning more about Herman Cain.
Q. How can a guy who just won $2 million bucks be getting food stamps? (Char ~ Layton, UT)
A. All you have to do is apply. That’s your tax dollars at work.
Q. I understand there are several states which have refused stimulus money and other Obama dollars? (Gordy ~ Ventura, CA)
A. Florida for one has turned down $250 billion for a high-speed rail system. They realized there was no way it could make money. Obama had a real hissy over that one; he probably figures they’re a bunch of right-wing racists.
Q. Are they actually going to raise the national debt limit, when the Democrats show no sign of quitting spending? (Mary ~ Redding, CA)
A. Yes. They’ve been making excuses for this for weeks now; you know, “there’s no way we can default.” Not us. Good God, the world might end. Besides, if they reduce spending, how can they buy votes?
“Americans need accurate information in order to consider Social Security reform. Too bad the media can't be counted upon to provide it.” ~ Herman Cain
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