Saturday, May 28, 2011


A glob of mass found by scientists to exist back in the early stages of development of the universe and which has not been located for decades in the current structure of universal things, has been found by undergraduate Amelia Fraser-McKelvie from Australia.  She recently located the mystery material within vast structures called "filaments of galaxies" while on a summer internship. 

When it comes to who we are, where we began and where we are going in this universe, we have barely scratched the surface.  That having been said, maybe she can now find that missing $387 billion in missing stimulus money that everyone quit talking about months ago. 

Q.  Will ObamaCare ever be repealed?  (Useless ~ Durango, CO)
A.  Not while the Democrats control either House of Congress.  Our hope is in the courts or, if enough states refuse to acknowledge it that might force the issue.  Obama plans for the Democrats to have control of at least one House after the 2012 elections, which would mean it cannot be repealed until 2014, in which case it will already be firmly established and difficult to dismantle.  Even if the Republicans controlled both Houses, if they passed a repeal and Obama vetoed the repeal, it would have to go back to Congress to be passed by a super-majority to overcome the veto.  He figures he’s in the driver’s seat on this law and that there is nothing we can do about it.  Be sure to vote for his reelection…

Q.  Do you really think ACORN still exists?  Didn’t they file bankruptcy?  (Ty ~ Redding, CA)
A.  After filing, they split up into different organizations with different names, but that is the only difference.  It’s kind of like when you put on a suit and tie; you look a lot different but you are really the same guy.  I do believe they made that move after getting legal advice from… the White House. You watch: They will play a very significant role in the 2012 elections. 

Q.  Is it really possible that taxes might go up?  (Kerry ~ Hollister, CA)
A.  If Obama wins reelection, it’s a lead-pipe cinch.  They are already planning to add a national sales tax or national value-added tax to the current system and people in the middle class will be the ones to get the brunt of the taxes.  Brunt rhymes with grunt, you know.  What we really desperately need is extensive tax reform. 

“Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past and putting taxes on things that haven't been taxed before.” ~ Art Buchwald


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