Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The fact is that the United States spends as much on its defense budget as the entire rest of the world combined.  $1.5 trillion is spent annually by various nations on their defense budgets.  We spend approximately $740 billion, or 49% to 50% of the total.    

I am as much of a hawk as you will find when it comes to defense. But, I believe this is overkill.  Frankly, I suspect that there is a lot of graft and corruption in our defense spending and I suspect that Members of Congress and high government officials are benefiting from it.  I’m not saying that we need to cut the military, but I am saying that we need to cut the military spending and get rid of the graft and corruption that also has infested Medicare and other governmental departments. 

Q.  At this stage of the game, who do you favor the Republican Presidential nomination?  (Gabby ~ Weaverville, CA)
A.  Well, I was going to give an answer, but I have changed my mind.  I think the first objective in this 2012 race is to get Obama out of office; he has done more damage to this country than any single individual in our history.  So, we need someone who can beat him.  But, more than that, we need a commitment by every single Republican in the country to stand firmly behind that nominee, whoever it turns out to be.  We cannot fail; failure is not an option and I believe that the campaign to be waged by Obama will be ugly, no-holds-barred Chicago gang-style politics.  If the Republican Party is divided going into November of 2012, Obama may well win reelection.  We must all educate and prepare ourselves for what may well be the most important election this country has ever had. 

Q.  The economy is in such a mess and I keep hearing that it will probably get worse.  Yet, there are some things I would like to have and I have the cash money to purchase them.  Should I save my money or get what it is that I want?  (Harvey ~ Colfax, CA)
A.  If you have money in the bank and other assets sufficient to carry you through several years of declining revenues, go for it.  Unless you have sufficient cash assets to cover you for a year’s unemployment, save your money.   If you’re in between, compromise and get something you want and save the rest.  If you still can’t make up your mind, send me your money and that will solve your problem. 

Q.  My brother has been talking about getting involved in politics.  I might consider the idea as well.  Where do we start?  (Nancy ~ Reno, NV)
A.  Wow.  That’s a wide-open question.  There are so many things you can do in politics without being a candidate, you know.  You can work on someone’s campaign, organize rallies, put out signs, handle public relations, or you can be a candidate.  I think you need to decide where you would like to start, and while you are investigating the different alternatives, start attending some meetings of school boards or police boards or other committees or boards that have an interest for you on the state or local level.  Pass out your business card to every Tom, Dick and Harry you meet along the way.  You’ll find your niche and I congratulate you for considering it. 

“I can assure you, public service is a stimulating, proud and lively enterprise. It is not just a way of life, it is a way to live fully.” ~ Lee H. Hamilton


Monday, May 30, 2011

MEDICARE: Friend or Foe?

The Republicans, led by Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget reduction plan, are eyeballing Medicare as being a horrible drain, (into the trillions), on the nation’s economy.  The Democrats, offering no plan and no solution, have attacked the Ryan plan as being “irresponsible” and destined to push millions of elderly Americans over the cliff.    

Let me make my situation clear: I am a Medicare recipient.  I have paid into this plan for years and I feel that I am entitled to the benefits that I paid for.  That having been said, I have to agree that the plan as administered by our illustrious government… sucks.  Medicare abuse is rampant and costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars.  The failure of Congress to deal effectively with rising medical costs in general has added to the problem.  In short, I am not in favor of getting rid of Medicare, but I have to agree that the current plan needs to be drastically overhauled.  I want my Medicare that I paid for, but I do not want to see people taking advantage of the system and I do not want to see the horrible leaks of my taxpayer money that currently exist. 

Q.  Is it true that Obama’s deficit reduction plan was turned down by the United States Senate, 97-0?  (Millie ~ Hayfork, CA)
A.  Yes.  Now, that IS something to contemplate, isn't it?   

Q.  Obama is hiring a staff to go after negative news stories and commentaries?  (Adolfo ~ Coalinga, CA)
A.  Yes, and with your tax dollars.  Do you think he wants to curtail freedom of speech? I just got notification from Czar Omar Mohamed Fuzzami at the White House telling me I had better quit criticizing Obama or they are going to remove my toenails and subject me to waterboarding. 

Q.  What do you think about Sarah Palin showing up at a veterans’ biker rally in Washington, DC?  (Tammy ~ Round Mountain, CA)
A.  Speaking as a veteran and a member of the American Legion, we appreciate the support.  I didn’t see the political overtones everyone thought would be there; I saw genuine support for our effort to bring home the MIA’s and KIA’s from around the world.  It’s sure a helluva lot better than the efforts of those in Washington who seek to cut military retirement pay and benefits.  I don’t see how anyone can complain when she is supporting the things that made this country great, but then again, I’m not a left-wing liberal. 

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


Sunday, May 29, 2011


The Burney Mountain Hermit has learned that, without any fanfare or notice, the Obama Administration has begun secret meetings with officials and advocates to examine ways to create gun control regulations without involving Congress.  After creating sham gun control sales under BATF direction, a story fabrication perpetrated by the media and BATF to make American gun shop owners look bad, the Administration blamed gun store owners in southern states for supplying arms to Mexican drug cartels when, in fact, they were instructed to do so.  Now, the Feds are using their own misdeeds to create regulations requiring gun store owners in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas to report multiple sales of guns to the same person.  They also plan to restrict importation of certain shotguns on the basis that they were not made for sporting purposes.  If they are successful, they plan further regulations against private ownership of handguns and automatic rifles. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it ten dozen times and I will continue to say it: This President has no regard for our Constitution in any respect whatsoever.  He is dangerous beyond words to our democracy, our government and our way of life.  He knows what he is doing is against everything we stand for, or he would not be hiding these actions.  And Congress, knowing that he has in place, in all operating departments under his Czars, ongoing designs to accomplish various Obama agendas without the knowledge or approval of Congress… has done nothing. 

Q.  I just got an email that says if I sell my house I will have to pay 3.8% additional tax on the sale as part of the new ObamaCare law?  How can these ^&(% do that?  (Gus ~ Roseburg, OR)
A.  Well, it’s not exactly that.  Yes, it is a 3.8% tax that you did not know about that goes on all investment income over $500,000.  If your real estate is considered to be an investment, and you sell it and realize a profit of over $500,000, you pay the tax.  With inflation kicking in, you’ll never notice it; gas will be that much per gallon.  The new law starts in 2013 and you were not told about it for obvious reasons.  Don’t look at me like that… I didn’t vote for the guy. 

Q.  I know this has nothing to do with your subject matter, but what is a good blood pressure?  Some doctors tell me I’m too high, others say just right for my age.  (Miles ~ Tucson, AZ)
A.  As a rule for men, 120 over 75 is good with a +/- 5.  If you have a tendency toward high blood pressure, I recommend turning to another channel whenever Obama, Reid or Pelosi are on the tube. 

Q.  About them finding the black boxes on that airliner that went down in 10,000 feet of water a couple of years back, how did they manage to extract them and get them to the surface?  (Jenny ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A.  I don’t have the slightest idea.  It is amazing what they can do these days.  If there was a woman involved, she pried them loose with a nail file, hooked onto them with a paperclip, and pulled them to the surface with your fishing line.  If it was a guy, he used his golf ball retriever. 

“All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.” ~ Groucho Marx


Saturday, May 28, 2011


A glob of mass found by scientists to exist back in the early stages of development of the universe and which has not been located for decades in the current structure of universal things, has been found by undergraduate Amelia Fraser-McKelvie from Australia.  She recently located the mystery material within vast structures called "filaments of galaxies" while on a summer internship. 

When it comes to who we are, where we began and where we are going in this universe, we have barely scratched the surface.  That having been said, maybe she can now find that missing $387 billion in missing stimulus money that everyone quit talking about months ago. 

Q.  Will ObamaCare ever be repealed?  (Useless ~ Durango, CO)
A.  Not while the Democrats control either House of Congress.  Our hope is in the courts or, if enough states refuse to acknowledge it that might force the issue.  Obama plans for the Democrats to have control of at least one House after the 2012 elections, which would mean it cannot be repealed until 2014, in which case it will already be firmly established and difficult to dismantle.  Even if the Republicans controlled both Houses, if they passed a repeal and Obama vetoed the repeal, it would have to go back to Congress to be passed by a super-majority to overcome the veto.  He figures he’s in the driver’s seat on this law and that there is nothing we can do about it.  Be sure to vote for his reelection…

Q.  Do you really think ACORN still exists?  Didn’t they file bankruptcy?  (Ty ~ Redding, CA)
A.  After filing, they split up into different organizations with different names, but that is the only difference.  It’s kind of like when you put on a suit and tie; you look a lot different but you are really the same guy.  I do believe they made that move after getting legal advice from… the White House. You watch: They will play a very significant role in the 2012 elections. 

Q.  Is it really possible that taxes might go up?  (Kerry ~ Hollister, CA)
A.  If Obama wins reelection, it’s a lead-pipe cinch.  They are already planning to add a national sales tax or national value-added tax to the current system and people in the middle class will be the ones to get the brunt of the taxes.  Brunt rhymes with grunt, you know.  What we really desperately need is extensive tax reform. 

“Tax reform is taking the taxes off things that have been taxed in the past and putting taxes on things that haven't been taxed before.” ~ Art Buchwald


Friday, May 27, 2011


The U.S. Senate turned down the House budget plan by a vote of 57-40.   

Well, you didn’t expect that?  Why did they do through the motions?  The Republicans wanted the Democrats “on the record” when it comes to November 2012?  Is this a football game?  What’s the score?  Is it, “Democrats 119, Republicans 117, Americans 0?”  Washington, don’t you get the message?  Either work together and get the damned job done, cut spending, reduce the deficit or get the hell out.  Enough of this political gamesmanship!  Enough!

Q.  With Obama out of the country, why didn’t Vice President Joe Biden go into the south to survey the tornado damages? (Gordon ~ Natchez, MS)
A.  What?  Send Sir Lancelot out to slay the dragons?  He’s on a short leash.  Actually, they’re afraid he might say something more stupid than what Obama might say and Obama wants to be the best at everything.

Q.  The left liberals are so sickening and crass.  They trash Palin every chance they get; now they just went after Laura Ingraham and called her a slut.  But the conservatives just keep smiling and nodding and bobbing and taking it.  When is someone going to get up the guts and courage to tell these people off and set them in their place?  (Henry ~ Taft, CA)
A.  Evidently, right after they get the courage to stand up for Paul Ryan’s budget plan.  The Republicans appear ready to waffle on that, too. It's as if they are bound and determined to screw things up again!

SO, THE QUESTION ARISES: Do I think the Obama Birth Certificate is a fake?  I do think beyond any reasonable doubt that the certificate provided by Obama, if that is the same one out there on the Internet, (Obama has not denied it), has been extensively altered from its original form.  That is not to say that it is a fake.  I, personally, know nothing about the Photo Shop allegations because I’ve never used that technology and therefore cannot personally comment about those allegations.  I do know that my son, who does graphics work for a well-known leader in that industry, said within the hour of its release that it has been “Photo-Shopped.”  I know several others in that industry who say it is “a fake.”  My assertion that is has been altered is based solely on what can be observed with the naked eye and on that basis, I say it has been altered. 

MY QUESTION TO YOU:  Trump is no dummy. He’s examined it.  His experts have examined it.  He has not commented on its authenticity, he has just simply said that he’s glad that Obama finally coughed up a certificate. He did say that he would have his experts look at it and that he would weigh in on it, but he never has.  He dropped the issue like a dead, dirty, rotten, filthy potato.  Then, he dropped out of the race for President.  Why? 
“I could beat the crap out of that snot-nosed kid from Kenya with one hand tied behind my back.” ~ Benjamin Netanyahu  (Well, okay, so maybe he didn’t say that, but it sure made for good reading, didn’t it?)


Thursday, May 26, 2011


Well, I have to bring this up and am suspending the usual Hermit format for a day to discuss some things.  Below you will find two birth certificates, one offered by the President as being his and one offered by Susan Elizabeth Nordyke. 

Susan was born August 5, 1961 and Barack was born August 4, 1961, the day before.  So, here is the first question: Why is Obama’s birth certificate number higher than Nordyke’s?   His was processed on August 8th and hers was processed on August 11th…. In the sequential order of things, her certificate number should be higher than his. 

I should be coy and say that the similarities end there.  Wouldn’t you think that the signature of the local registrar, the very last signature at the bottom of the page, would be the same?  I’m not even getting into the argument of the layers of information shown in Photoshop on Obama’s certificate, or the fact that they do not exist on Nordyke’s.  I’m just talking about blatantly obvious things. 

This is my story for today, my quest for the truth.  Just what is it that our President is really hiding?  Why is it so important that he is willing to risk everything to keep us from seeing the real thing?  Why is it that a reliable source who went to Hawaii reports that the original certificate has been removed and supposedly no longer exists? 

Tomorrow: back to the regular format.  

If you have the time, take a look at the differences in the various typewritten characters in each document and compare them with each other.  Note also the date, 8-7-61, in Block 18b of both; it is so similar, you would have to guess it was written by the same person on the same date, probably as they went through a pile of a dozen or so certificates to sign.  Obviously, this date could not have been written by Anne Dunham Obama and Eleanor Cole Nordyke, so the staffer did it; yet, neither of the two signatures appearing as "Attendant" or "Local Registrar" agrees, as you would expect.  I would even venture a guess that the date 8-8-61 in 19b of Obama's was written by the same person who wrote 8-7-61, but the 8/11/61 in Nordyke's was written by someone else.   

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


More and more states are turning their backs on Obama’s and Congress’ free-spending ways.  And more and more states are rebelling against other aspects of this Administration as well, such as the immigration policy, blatant favoritism toward unions, and healthcare.  Billions of dollars in pork-barrel spending have been returned by various states which need the money but don’t want the cavalier spending stigma that comes with it.    

And, Obama is angry.  These states are getting in the way of his radical socialist agenda and his efforts to centralize governmental control in the White House.  29 states are challenging ObamaCare, key to his strategy of “fundamental change.”  More and more Americans are seeing his self-serving programs as nothing more than a stepping stone to the end of Democracy, as we know it.  Could this, finally, be the beginning of the end for the epitome of arrogant narcissism?     

Q.  You said a long time ago that you didn’t think Obama would finish his first term.  Do you still feel that way, and why?  (Merlin ~ Twin Falls, ID)
A.  Yes.  I don’t know why; I’ve felt for a very long time that something was going to happen, there was going to be some discovery or something could happen that would force him to resign in the third year of his first term.  Just a gut feeling; and, it’s probably nothing more than that. 

Q.  Hollywood is going against Obama?  (George ~ Davis, CA)
A.  Yes.  They think he’s a bad actor.  Actually, they don’t think he is left enough for them. 

Q.  After the President snubbed the Queen a couple of years ago, he’s now getting a royal welcome in Britain.  I’m surprised.  (Bill ~ Redmond, WA)
A.  The British are much more proper than we yanks.  Their welcome for him kind of reminds you of his welcome for Netanyahu, doesn’t it? 

“When a person spends all his time in foreign travel, he ends by having many acquaintances, but no friends.” ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca