Tuesday, July 27, 2010


President Barack Hussein Obama, the Messiah of Change, is now trumpeting that we need to stay the course, things are getting better and, if he and his socialistic dynasty had not done the things they have, things could be worse.

Unemployment near 10% continues, unabated. New and using housing sales are down. Illegal immigration needs a fix. Seniors are about to get raped over the coals with the new Health Care Plan. The national deficit is about to push us into bankruptcy and Obama continues spending more. Small businesses are folding right and left. Racism, once well on the road to obliteration in this country, is now again at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Yet, Obama has the audacity to look down his pious nose at those of us who are suffering in this country and to say, “Things could be worse?” He either has no concept of the reality of what he has done to this country or he just simply does not care.

Q. The website, WikiLeaks, is leaking secret military information on its website. How do they get away with this? (Ollie ~ Reno, NV)
A. There used to be a responsibility in journalism, that you didn’t print something that could hurt the troops in the field or our national security. There was a responsibility not to print untruths, to report the news in a fair and balanced way, and to keep opinions to the opinion page. The government ran the government and the press kept them honest. Now, it seems, all responsibilities of the press have been abdicated. The press, the media, the educational system in this country have been socialized in every sense of the word. They are all like a houseful of harlots, selling out everything and anything.

Q. Is Newt going to run in 2012? (Smiley ~ Hereford, TX)
A. Yes. Gingrich and Palin would make a formidable combination at this point but, with the lackluster leadership being displayed by the Republicans, I could easily see McCain and Romney on the actual ticket.

Q. I hear Mexicans are fleeing Arizona in advance of their new illegal immigration law. Where are they going? (Tina ~ Albany, NY)
A. Washington, DC. They’re all either going to be housekeepers or gardeners at the White House.

“A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


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