Saturday, July 24, 2010


Reports are that he fell off his roof.

I don’t have any. If you have nothing nice to say about someone who dies, you keep your mouth shut. God will take care of the details.

Q. Any comment on the North Korea threats to take “physical action” against the U.S. and/or South Korea if we go ahead with plans for joint military exercises this weekend? (Tammie ~ Lake Placid, NY)
A. Well, if they lob a firecracker or two over the border at us, they would play right into Obama’s hands. This may sound cynical, but if we get into some military engagement right now, even a war, that deflects the national attention from the utter and complete failure of the Administration and the national uproar over their programs and also takes the heat off of the Democrats at election time.It's a perfect solution... too perfect, perhaps. 

Q. At least one site,, has come forth with a post defending the closing of 73,000 blogs as being shut down totally for terrorism activities. What do you say? (Mandy ~ Forest Ranch, CA)
A. I have to say that the information posted on this site is suspect. It is not from a reliable source. It alleges that there was material posted on “the site” that was terrorist oriented, etc, yet there were 73,000 sites shut down. 73,000 sites with terrorist oriented bomb-making material? There were no charges filed, no Court Order, no Court hearing. The White House has not denied participating in it. If, in fact, the 73,000 sites were shut down because they contained terrorist material, the White House would be all over the news about the threat and how they dealt with it.

The actual reason given for shutting down the sites was that they contained copyrighted material that was reproduced without the authorities of the owners. Again, no charges, no Court Order, no hearing. The alleged owners of the material have not been identified. What I have not repeated, because I don’t trust the source, is that many of the blogs contained posts that pointed fingers of blame for wrongdoing at the Administration. However, that would not surprise me in the least.

This is a totalitarian socialist regime; if I had any doubts about that, they have been erased. And, any blog that uses that kind of language in a posting is, as far as I am concerned, typical liberal rhetoric, incapable of dealing with factual arguments in a reasonable discussion; they resort to screaming epithets, yell-downs, and other displays of utter ignorance that underscore the fragility of their positions.

Q. A week or so ago, you lambasted the White House for their position against BP on piping up oil from the well cap. Since then, I haven’t heard a word about the proposition. What gives? (Sal ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. First of all, the White House told the media to get away from the story. Secondly, they backed off from their position after realizing, maybe after reading my response, that they looked like the fools which they are.

“We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'American'. Read that quote again and again and let it sink in. Lower your retirement, give it to others who have not worked as you have for it.” ~ Nancy Pelosi


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