Sunday, June 13, 2010


Nathan Tabor was shooting video at a Tea Party protest in Greensboro, NC when Govenor Spencer shoved him, then shoved his wife and, when told to stop it, hauled off and punched Tabor firmly in the right side of his face. Spencer had just arrived and had been shouting anti-Bush epithets when he attacked Tabor.

The leftist liberals are thugs. They cannot discuss anything in reasonable dialog and resort to shout-downs and threats in order to force those who have better arguments to shut up. This country is utterly being pushed to its limits by downright assholes. Why isn’t Spencer cooling his heels in a jail cell pending a hearing on assault and battery charges?

Q. Why is Congress not going to extend Medicare benefits for another 12 weeks to those who are unemployed? (Lillian ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. If Obama and his cohorts hadn’t pissed away trillions of dollars in crappy legislation, I think we might be able to help these people on a temporary basis. But, when the money ends, the money ends. Right now, I don’t think we have enough money left to defend our country against a tin horn dictator like Hugo Chavez. Obama, Geithner and Bernanke should be ashamed of themselves. And the Democrats who passed what will be well more than a $1 trillion add-on to our national debt for a Health Care Plan we do not want are now running scared, because they realize that in kissing Obama's feet they sealed the end of their political careers; as a result, they're afraid of spending a dime. 

Q. I hear Hispanics are leaving Arizona in droves? (Phillip ~ Medford, OR)
A. The question is, where are they going? Will the #2 drug murder city in the world switch from being Phoenix to being Los Angeles, Bakersfield or Medford? Why don’t we just make them all citizens, and then the problem might go away. Why doesn’t our damned President seal the damned border and deal with the damned oil spill?

Q. The Coast Guard is telling BP to speed up their efforts. Will that help? (Geneva ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. Telling BP/ARCO to do anything is like pissing in the wind. Just ask the people who have been after them to clean up their uranium contaminated environmental mess in Yerington, NV.

“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” ~ W. Clement Stone



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