Wednesday, June 2, 2010


In the context of releasing the news that Al and Tipper Gore are on the splits, out comes a 2007 report from the Michigan State University: Divorced couples use up more space in their respective homes, which amounts to 38 million more rooms worldwide to light, heat and cool. And people who divorced used 73 billion kilowatt-hours more of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water than they would otherwise in 2005.

Dissolving a marriage also means doubling possessions, from the lowly can opener to the SUV. The report, however, did not estimate how many more natural resources the children of shared-custody parents consume by getting birthday and holiday gifts twice. Nor did it count the greenhouse gases spent to shuttle kids between their pair of energy-hogging households. (Tip for carbon offsetting services: the domain name is available.). The research suggests that singletons who shack up with someone again can undo the ecological damage. 

Although it might be inferred that "living in sin" is also eco-friendly, the findings did not necessarily endorse the practice of unmarried couples living together.The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and funded partly by the National Institutes of Health and your tax dollars. 

Finally, a cure for my constipation! I will have to applaud them, however, because it’s nits like this that give me an excuse for continued drinking.

Q. Do you think there is a possibility that Obama might resign before the end of his term? (Mattie ~ Century City, CA)
A. Not at this point. Ayers, Alinsky and Wright would not tolerate it. But, like diapers, things change. I have consistently said that I do not believe Obama will finish his first term.

Q. (1) Will North Korea attack South Korea and, if so, (2) what will we do about it? (Ross ~ Redding, CA)
A. (1) Yes. (2) Blame Bush.

Q. Do you believe that Bill Clinton was the one to offer Sestak a high government job if he dropped out of the race against Spector? (Sophie ~ Grand Rapids, MI)
A. Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

A certain number of Americans are already in Peking and most of us here feel that it would be very useful for the United States and especially for the Left-wing progressive movement in the United States if groups of students such as you mention could make a tour of China.” ~ Anna Louise Strong


Yes, it's been 200 days since Barry said we would try Khalid Sheik Mohamed in New York City.  

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