Monday, August 24, 2009


Obama said the other night that we shouldn’t get “wee-weed” up over his health care plan. The implication is that we have no business being pissed off, or “wee-weed up.” Just shut up and get out of the way.

I hope, at last, that something in this section gets past the censors. I agree with the President completely. The government is in control here, and we all know how very competent the government is at everything it does. Take the Swine Flu vaccine for example. We were told just a few weeks ago that the government had everything under control and that we would have plenty of vaccine to go around. As it turns out, we are going to be 200 million or more doses short, but that is only because there was a “slight miscalculation.” Obama’s Government-Run Health Care Plan will be in good, capable government bureaucratic hands and will actually reduce government spending. So, don’t get all wee-weed up about it.

Q. I think Obama will have to back down; he’s trying to accomplish too much, too fast.
(Jorge – Pena Blanca, NM)
A. Obama’s going to back down, all right. He’s going to back your fanny down onto the commode and give you a good dose of his government as a laxative. In case you haven’t noticed, the price of toilet tissue is already going through the roof.

Q. Why is there such a shortage of firefighters on the fires in Greece?
(Thor – Redding, CA)
A. They’re all afraid to leave their places in line for government-run health care.

Q. Why are Social Security benefits going down next year?
(Abe – Lincoln, CA)
A. Social Security benefits are tied in to the annual Cost of Living Adjustment, (COLA). First the first time in my memory, the economy actually forced the cost of living to go down. While, under the law, Social Security benefits cannot decrease, Medicare premiums are deducted from SS Benefits and premiums are going up, so the net to the recipient will be less. Not to worry… Obama’s government-run health care will significantly reduce benefits to those on Medicare, which means that your out-of-pocket expenses will be going up. See how well everything runs with the government in charge?

“What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.”
-- Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)


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