Saturday, August 1, 2009


The Democratic controlled Congress is about to pass legislation that will provide the nation’s trial lawyers well over $1 billion in tax breaks per year. The group is represented by a PAC, (Political Action Committee), which raised almost that much in political campaign donations last year, 96% of which went to Democratic candidates and the rest to Republicans who are screaming charges of “political payback at the taxpayer’s expense.”


Those Republicans are such whiners. The tax breaks will incentivize more people to become trial lawyers, and that will lead to more lawsuits. More lawsuits will mean more Court clerks, judges and defense attorneys will need to be employed, investigators hired, and news reporters required to cover the juicy details. This is economic stimulus at its best, the way the stimulus program is really intended to work; and the manner in which it is being accomplished really shows how modern Washington and our elected representatives think, act and legislate.

Q. Why do we keep spending so much money on the Space Station and Space Shuttles?
(Bernie – Lodi, CA)
A. A lot of modern day technology that we take for granted was created as a result of and in conjunction with the space programs. Also, Congress lives in outer space and they like to have occasional visitors.

Q. We did Congress put an August 1st deadline on passing the Health Care Bill in the first place? (Charlotte – Williamsburg, WV)
A. They didn’t. They never wanted it done before the summer recess. Neither did the President. Just ask Harry Reid. (My two bits sez he doesn’t dare show his face back in Nevada during the summer recess. He doesn’t want to hear what they have to say about how he is doing his job.)

Q. Why are they talking about ACORN being the ones to “counsel” old people in their twilight years for the new Government Health Ministry?
(Bret – Farson, WY)
A. All people, especially the elderly, need guidance and instruction, and they need to come to grips with the fact that their guns and religion aren’t going to do them any good after they get to the crematory.

“Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.”
Will Rogers


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