Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The top three Treasury officials, on different weekend television shows, danced and skirted around the direct question of whether or not we are going to have middle-class tax increases, despite Obama’s assurances that we would not. Our pal, tax-cheat Tim Geithner, appearing on Stephanopolos, answered the question by saying that we are spending a lot of money and “We’re going to have to make some hard choices.” Obama came out Monday and said there would be no tax increases for the middle class, but by now the damage was done and polls show that most Americans don’t trust him anymore.

I can answer that with nine (9) fingers tied behind my back! And they want to add insult to injury by passing a $1.5 trillion Government-run health boondoggle on top of it?

Q. Why are they picking on Sotomayor?
(Jessie – Rawlins, WY)
A. “They” are predominantly Republicans who have an axe to grind. I wouldn’t vote for her myself, but it’s a liberal judge replacing a liberal judge, so I think the battle really belongs in health care and cap and trade. You can only holler vile language so long before people stop listening to you.

Q. What’s this about Tennessee State Senator Paul Stanley resigning after he got caught having an affair with a 22-year-old intern?
(Fran – Dayton, NV)
A. It’s all a matter of mixed-up priorities. Instead of screwing the intern, he should have been screwing the public, like the rest of the politicians. It’s considered to be unethical when you screw an intern.

Q. Why did they run out of money already for the “Cash for Clunkers” program that was supposed to last four months?
(Felipe – Port Arthur, TX)
A. Because, like all of the other programs the current administration started, they made a “miscalculation.” Logically, they need to spend $100,000 for new calculators for Congress and the White House… That would be money well spent. Makes you wonder how big their “miscalculation” is going to be for the Government Health Plan, doesn’t it?

"Too many Americans grew tired of being thought to be dumb by the rest of the world, so in 2008 they went to the polls and removed all doubt."
- Unknown


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