Sunday, August 9, 2009


The new Government run Health Plan will provide full health benefits to illegal aliens at the expense of the rest of the taxpayers. Already, it is estimated that the cost to the American public Is $86 billion per year. The Federal government, and the Administration in particular, have not openly revealed what they intend to do about the illegal aliens already in this country. Yet, the guaranteed provision of free health care to illegal aliens will certainly be an intense attraction for more Mexicans to cross the border, especially when you consider the quality of medicine that they get there.

Both political parties have been tolerant of the illegal alien problems because they want to use them to vote. Yes, that’s unethical and should be illegal, but it’s a fact. Our politicians are corrupt to the bone.

Q. Members of Congress and the President and Vice-President are refusing to become part of the new Government Health Plan they intend to cram down our throats. How can they get away with that?
(Samantha – Sand Point, ID)
A. Yes, that’s unethical and should be illegal, but it’s a fact. It’s called “elitism.” Our politicians are not only corrupt to the bone, but they want to rub your face in it.

Q. Do you think the Republican Party will ever make a comeback? (Marian – Springfield, IL)
A. They had their chance and they blew it. Americans are so disgusted with both parties right now that it will probably require a new, vibrant third party with fresh ideas and genuine concerns for the people to pull us out of this mess. We could start with a beer bust and some chilli dogs.

Q. I heard that they are planning a protest demonstration in Washington D.C. in September. Will that make a difference? (Brette – Belington, WV)
A. The way I see it, with the cost of a hotel room being $200 a night and up if you can find one, with the cost of airfare, taxicabs, food…. Only the rich can afford to be there. The real people, the ones who are hurting and angry, will be stuck at home watching on TV. And, from the way he is acting, I would not be surprised if Obama called in the troops to stop the protests and demonstrations.

“Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, 'Thank God, I'm still alive.' But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again.”
- Barbara Boxer


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