Saturday, June 6, 2015


Word floating around in Iran is that Kerry was not injured in a biking accident, but was in a secret meeting with I.S.I.S. leaders when an assassination attempt took place.  The conspiracy theory was cloaked in an aura of international intrigue with plot twists connecting Switzerland, France, Russia and a U.S.-trained Islamic State loyalist from Tajikistan. 

I guess that means Kerry has earned yet another Bronze Star?  And the reason for the secrecy is that Obama is afraid Americans would start demanding more serious action on our part against I.S.I.S. if they knew the truth. 

Q. Why is it that every time there is a terrorist act in this country, you and the media immediately blame Muslims?  (Carlotta ~ San Jose, CA)
A. Who, but Muslims, have engaged in terrorist acts in this country lately? 

Q. With violence running rampant in Black sections of major cities, how are we going to stop it?  (Sebastian ~ Bullhead City, AZ)
A. Let them all kill each other; that will reduce the welfare rolls and, eventually, reduce the crime rate by way of attrition.  Ask yourself why Obama has not invited some of them over to the White House for a beer and a nice, swell chat in the Rose Garden. 

Q. What’s your reaction to the news that personnel records of four million government employees have been hacked?  (Rosemary ~ Cottonwood, AZ)
A. Good God!  Now the whole world will find out that 96% of our government employees are under psychiatric care!  Will this constant parade of bad news about the inadequacies of our administration’s government safeguards and lack of security never end? 

“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society.  If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs; we test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” ~ P.J. O’Rourke


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