Wednesday, June 17, 2015


"[The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] CMS's internal controls did not effectively ensure the accuracy of nearly $2.8 billion in aggregate financial assistance payments made to insurance companies under the Affordable Care Act during the first four months that these payments were made," the DHHS OIG says.

One again, you and I, the American taxpayers, are on the hook… whether we use ObamaCare or not. 

Q. Now that Donald Trump has announced his candidacy, do you really think he can win?  (Ella ~ Mountain View, CA)
A. He’s not used to losing.  I think the Republican race just got really interesting.  Trump may not win, but he’ll certainly interject some much-needed thinking into today’s politics.  And, just think: pretty soon, we’ll have a different candidate for every day of the month. 

Q. Do you have an opinion on the St. Louis Cardinals hacking of the Houston Astros database?  (Jared ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. If found guilty, they should forfeit all games for the rest of the season and the owners should be forced to sell the team.  And they should be required to wear their jockstraps on their heads for next season. 

Q. What’s the latest news on the Iranian nuke deal?  (Reed ~ Davis, UT)
A. Is it possible that Kerry took a deliberate dump on his bike so he could avoid being saddled with engineering the rotten deal and thereby be able to run against Hillary for the Democratic nomination? 

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” ~ Babe Ruth


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