Saturday, June 27, 2015


Just about anybody and everybody who knows anything about the history of law in this country is agreeing: With yesterday’s ruling on gay marriage, the Supreme Court clearly crossed the boundary between judiciary and legislative powers so carefully set up and, until now, protected by the Constitution. 

There’s nothing that I can say that would be profound enough to address my severe disappointment and utter disgust.  Perhaps the time has come when states should again start seceding from the Union? 

Q. The other day, Obama dealt with a heckler at a LGBT event at the White House by calling the heckler out and saying, “Hey, this is MY house!”  I thought the White House belonged to the people.  (Audrey ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. You and the rest of the country may see it that way, but Obama does not; it’s HIS house.  If he were to concede that it is the “people’s house,” that would imply to him that the people have some say-so over what goes on there; no emperor would ever tolerate that line of thinking.  The only thing “the people” are good for is mowing HIS lawn. 

Q. The House is talking about impeaching I.R.S. Commissioner Koskinen over his outright lies and stonewalling regarding the missing emails.  Do you think they should?  (Riley ~ Salem, OR)
A. It’s a waste of time.  Obama will dissolve the impeachment committee by Executive Order and the Supreme Court will back him up.  That’s not being sarcastic or facetious; the way we have allowed this government to trample our democracy, it’s likely to be the truth. 

Q. Do you think there will be an I.S.I.S. attack over the 4th of July holiday?  (Cassidy ~ Marysville, CA)
A. The intelligence chatter suggests that an attempt will be made.  But have no fear… Obama will protect us. 

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.” ~ Charles de Montesquieu


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