Friday, June 27, 2014


The Supreme Court nailed it again yesterday when it ruled that the President did not have the authority to circumvent the will of Congress by making “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board during a three-day vacation.  Obama stacked the deck at the NLRB by naming several staunch labor representatives to the board, grossly tilting the scales of equality to the union side.  The Constitutional provision does allow emergency appointments without Senate approval when the Senate is actually in a recess and it is vitally important to the security or mission of the country to have the position filled immediately; the Court ruled the three-day period did not constitute a “recess.”  

The unanimous decision, 9-0, is a firm rebuke of Obama’s doctrine. Obama has probably already thrown a tantrum of gigantic proportions; he probably threw his golf clubs all of the way across the Oval Office. 

Q. With all of the rest of the garbage floating out of the White House these days, we haven’t heard a word about ObamaCare.  What’s going on?  (Rudolph ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. Oh, everything is peachy keen.  In actuality, I think if Congress started looking at where the money went on that program, they’d be in for a rude awakening.  It’ll be back in the news very shortly. 

Q. Now the EPA is missing emails and THEY are blaming crashed computers.  What do you think?  (Jody ~ Laramie, WY)
A. Cyberspace is getting awfully crowded with official documents.  FOX NEWS reported yesterday morning that the White House copies of Lerner’s emails are also missing and Administration drones are now claiming that no one keeps emails for over six months anyway.  Now come on… how much more of this bullshit are you going to take before you contact your Congressional delegate and demand impeachment proceedings against both Obama and Holder? 

Q. Ted Cruz should impeach Holder because he flatly refuses to appoint a Special Prosecutor on Benghazi or the IRS.  Can that be done?  (Lonnie ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Once again, as with Obama, the House approves the Articles of Impeachment and the Senate conducts the actual trial; can you picture Harry Reid doing that?  That is why it is so important to remove Democrat Senators in November.   

“Garbage is the part of your history you don’t want your family to know about.” ~ Vik Muniz


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