Saturday, June 21, 2014


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen went before Congress yesterday to testify about the targeting of conservative groups and the missing emails from IRS computers. His story was that the IRS knew of the seven computer “crashes” months ago, but did not bother to tell Congress about that fact.  A letter from the IRS last week spilled the beans about Lois Lerner’s missing Emails, but the fact that six other computers had crashed at the same time losing thousands of other critical emails was not revealed until Monday.  He was hammered by Paul Ryan on why he did not tell Congress about those six, and his reply was, “I told you Monday.” That was after Congress made an inquiry regarding those computers.  Koskinen was quick to counter, “And what did you do with that information?”    


In short summary, he made an ass out of himself.  It is obvious beyond a doubt… beyond any shadow of a doubt… that they are destroying evidence.  Someone needs to issue a blanket subpoena to all government agencies including the White House to produce all emails from or to Lois Lerner and the other six employees “forthwith,” by the end of next week.  They’re all on electronic files, so they can be easily retrieved from each agency; if the sender refuses to produce them, get the recipient to.  Or did 224 more computers crash at the same time? 


Q. Colorado’s Governor John Hickenlooper apologized to Colorado county sheriffs last week for signing controversial gun legislation into law without consulting them.  He also said that he had never spoken with New York Mayor Bloomberg about gun control measures, a lie that was rapidly caught when researchers got their hands on his telephone records and a few videos of prior statements.  Why is everybody lying these days?  Doesn’t anyone have any ethics or morals left at all?  (Barry ~ Fountain Valley, AZ)
A. Your President, Vice President, Cabinet Members, Press Secretary and Members of Congress lie on a routine basis.  As a matter of fact, the International Liars Club plans to move its headquarters to Washington, D.C. because that’s where all of the action is.  So, the leaders set the pace.  As long as they can lie and get away with it, why shouldn’t Governors, judges, teachers and your kids?   

Q. Of all the people in the country, why is Obama sending Biden to Baghdad?  (Hemmy ~ Albany, OR)
A. Because he likes to play the bagpipes?  Certainly, Obama couldn’t go; there are no golf courses there.  Kerry is too busy with Putin’s pending invasion of the Ukraine.  Susan Rice is due to make the Sunday talk-show circuit this weekend claiming that the release of the five Talibans from Guantanamo was due to a video.  There’s no choice; Biden has to go. 

Q. A man in Webster, Texas, was told he had to take his American flag off his apartment complex balcony because it was offensive to Muslims.  What is this country coming to?  (Joe ~ Victoria, TX)
A. Sharia Law.  


“The wave of the Islamic Revolution will soon reach the entire world.” ~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

TODAY’S VIDEO: (I think Obama is going to have to start sucking his thumb.)

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