Tuesday, June 10, 2014


The Administration has announced it will house as many as 600 illegal immigrant children at the Ft. Sill Army Base in Oklahoma beginning this week at an estimated cost of $252 per child per day to the U.S. taxpayers.  Other bases may be selected for similar “emergency housing.” 


Okay, let me say first off that we cannot ignore the plight of the children; we have to do something with them.  They need to be in a location secure from predators and they need food and shelter; those things must be provided regardless of how we feel about illegal immigration.  Whether or not an active army base is the proper location is a matter of conjecture; I personally think they should be housed in the halls of Congress and the White House.  Maybe then they could manage to come to grips with the problem. 


Q. Obama’s top military and State Department officials advised him not to make the Bergdahl-Taliban exchange.  He did it anyway.  Now, there’s talk he may release more Gitmo prisoners and everyone is telling him he’d better not do that.  Do you think he will?  (Alice ~ Bridgeport, CA)
A. Yes.  The question is, when?  I think he will do it sometime before the end of his Presidency, maybe as an outgoing act of defiant arrogance.  He’s gotten used to that “up yours” attitude hasn’t he? 

Q. There’s a report in the news that the internal auditors found tens of thousands of vets have been waiting over 180 days for treatment.  They’ve decided there is no way they can meet the goal of having patients seen by a physician within two weeks of calling for an appointment.  Do you have any recommendation on how to solve this problem?  (Patty ~ Fresno, CA)
A. I would close most V.A. clinics immediately, leaving only hospitals open for the time being.  I would issue all qualified vets an identification card that authorizes personal physicians to see the patient and prescribe treatment and charge the government for it, such charges to include prescriptions and laboratory tests.  I would then start a two-year phase out of all V.A. hospitals and would turn the V.A. into a claims center, maintaining records and processing claims for medical reimbursement.  Let some of these employees who have allowed the system to get bogged down go out and find a real job.   

Q. Should Obama be removed from office? (Yolanda ~ Deming, NM)
A. Yes, he should be removed from office, post haste.  The problem is that the Senate will not allow it.  They have to file Articles of Impeachment against him in the House and then the trial occurs in the Senate.  I don’t see that happening unless the Democrats lose the Senate in November.  Of course, Obama knows that, so he is of the mindset that he can do whatever he wants any nobody can stop him. 


“The government can’t even audit its own books.  It doesn’t even know where its money is going.  And we refuse to have the tough forces go on the Pentagon so that at least they are efficient with the money they are spending.” ~ Tom Coburn


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