Thursday, June 26, 2014


The Supreme Court of the United States, (SCOTUS), decided that cops need a judicially approved search warrant to investigate the contents of your cell phone.  That case arose when an individual was pulled over for a traffic violation, had his cell phone searched without any warrant and was subsequently charged with being a terrorist and having illegal weapons. 

In the second major decision, SCOTUS rule against AEREO, a television rebroadcast company that was collecting local TV station broadcasts for free and making them available to subscribers for a fee on the Internet.  The Court ruled it was a violation of copyright law. 

The first decision was unique in modern Court history in that it was a 9-0 decision.  The second was a 6-3 decision.  What this all means is that the cops cannot seize your smartphone and search its contents without a warrant unless there are emergency extenuating circumstances.  And, although broadcast signals may be available for free, they are still the property of the broadcasting company and cannot be resold for profit.  I agree with both decisions, which entitles me to a stiff drink. 

Q. Is it true that Senator Charles Grassley from Iowa was a potential target of the IRS for audit?  (Chester ~ Friant, CA)
A. According to emails recently uncovered by Congress, that appears to be the case… that Lerner was advocating for such an audit.  And, the IRS admitted yesterday that it had leaked confidential information about a Tea Party group to the media prior to the 2012 elections.  Ladies and gentlemen, (I'm sorry that excludes Obama, Reid and Pelosi), we have thugs in charge of the IRS and our government. 

Q. I heard earlier this year that the U.S. economy had only shrunk by 0.1%; now we get a “revision” of 2.9%.  I could understand a revision to .2% or even to 1% under some circumstances.  Isn’t this really fraud on the part of the Administration?  (Gayle ~ Silver Springs, NV)
A. Fraud?  On the part of  THE Obama Administration?  Come on! 

Q. What’s your opinion of Hillary Clinton being paid $225,000 to make a speech at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas?  (Tillie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Don’t be so critical.  Everyone knows that the Clintons were virtually “paupers” when they left the White House; she said so.  If she’s going to be our next President, she simply has to be able to buy a new wardrobe, doesn’t she? 

“I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” ~ Pablo Picasso


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