Monday, June 30, 2014


Google has announced that it will no longer allow most gun-related content, because it “[wants] to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won’t allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.”

Google has evidently decided it will police what I have to say.  I will put my best efforts toward divorcing myself from Google in all respects.  This will probably result in my blogs being moved to another provider as well as my divorce from Facebook and Linkedin.  As far as a search engine goes, I’m heading for  Here we are with an information source that should be neutral, which has decided to re-engineer my thinking and rights for me.  They can go to hell in a hand basket. 

Q. Do I hear that the Keystone Pipeline is a dead issue?  (Sonny ~ Dallas, TX)
A. It appears that way.  The Canadians have tired of waiting for Obama and have given the go head to sell their oil to China and the rest of Asia.  The Northern Gateway project will run 732 miles from the oil sands in landlocked Alberta across British Columbia to a new marine terminal in the Pacific Coast town of Kitmat, according to global news agency AFP.  Chalk up another great win for the Obama Team. 

Q. Given the situation as it is today and forgetting the past history, how would you handle the growing threat to the U.S. from I.S.I.S. in Iraq?  (Chuck ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. I.S.I.S. has moved from a central staging area into cities throughout Iraq; you can't just go in and bomb indiscriminately or you’re going to kill a bunch of innocent civilians.  We can’t get hooked up with Iran, either. Thanks to Obama, I think we have to be in the position of building our forces and being ready to do something, while at the same time waiting to see what develops… besides pictures of Obama hiding under the Oval Office desk. Which reminds me… do you suppose they ever removed those stains from the Oval Office carpet which occurred during the Clinton Administration? 

Q. The stories go on and on about Louis Lerner and a few other top dogs at the I.R.S.  How does everyone else at the I.R.S. feel about all of this?  (Patsy ~ Grand Junction, CO)
A. Well, I.R.S. employee Sarah Ingram was so excited about Obama’s agenda against conservative groups and “secret donors” that she fired off a giddy email to Lois Lerner.  Lately, most I.R.S. employees seem to be of the mindset to “batten down the hatches” and “ride out the storm,” meaning they’re on Team Obama’s side. That’s one more reason why everyone in Washington should be fired.  Should there be an American march on Washington?  You can bet your sweet bippees there should be. 

“Before Google, we had minds of our own.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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