Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Barack walked to lunch yesterday, all of the way to the local Chipotles.  Believe it or not, no one noticed or paid any attention to him. 

Native Americans call that "shunning."  How did the Secret Service get in the door if Chiptole’s bans guns?  If I had been a customer and saw him, I would have walked out.  Chipotle’s stock is probably going down as you read this. 

Q. How can we best stem the flow of illegals across the border? (Jorge ~ Bismarck, ND)
A. Quit sending money to Mexico, put an embargo on goods coming across the border and shut down tourism to Mexico.  Their government will get the message and deal expeditiously with the problem.  And I wonder why we can’t deduct the costs of dealing with these illegals and their children, including their medical care, food and housing, from any aid we do give to Mexico. 

Q. Are you concerned about the Muslim population in this country?  (Tanya ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Yes.  I am concerned they do not speak out against terrorism.  I worry about ongoing activities kept hidden in their mosques.  On the other hand, I worry about how they are going to be able to afford to pay their 7-11 clerks and motel maids $15 an hour. 

Q. What’s the latest on the N.S.A. domestic spying scandal?  (Turk ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. The N.S.A. oversight, F.I.S.A., just approved a continuation of domestic spying activities for another 90 days.  Now, if I recall correctly, Obama told us he had “fixed” that problem.  I’ve been researching historical records to see when it was that Obama last told the truth about anything; so far, I’m back to Exodus, Chapter 40. 

“Every country degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.  The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


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