Monday, June 30, 2014


Google has announced that it will no longer allow most gun-related content, because it “[wants] to keep people safe both online and offline, so [they] won’t allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.”

Google has evidently decided it will police what I have to say.  I will put my best efforts toward divorcing myself from Google in all respects.  This will probably result in my blogs being moved to another provider as well as my divorce from Facebook and Linkedin.  As far as a search engine goes, I’m heading for  Here we are with an information source that should be neutral, which has decided to re-engineer my thinking and rights for me.  They can go to hell in a hand basket. 

Q. Do I hear that the Keystone Pipeline is a dead issue?  (Sonny ~ Dallas, TX)
A. It appears that way.  The Canadians have tired of waiting for Obama and have given the go head to sell their oil to China and the rest of Asia.  The Northern Gateway project will run 732 miles from the oil sands in landlocked Alberta across British Columbia to a new marine terminal in the Pacific Coast town of Kitmat, according to global news agency AFP.  Chalk up another great win for the Obama Team. 

Q. Given the situation as it is today and forgetting the past history, how would you handle the growing threat to the U.S. from I.S.I.S. in Iraq?  (Chuck ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. I.S.I.S. has moved from a central staging area into cities throughout Iraq; you can't just go in and bomb indiscriminately or you’re going to kill a bunch of innocent civilians.  We can’t get hooked up with Iran, either. Thanks to Obama, I think we have to be in the position of building our forces and being ready to do something, while at the same time waiting to see what develops… besides pictures of Obama hiding under the Oval Office desk. Which reminds me… do you suppose they ever removed those stains from the Oval Office carpet which occurred during the Clinton Administration? 

Q. The stories go on and on about Louis Lerner and a few other top dogs at the I.R.S.  How does everyone else at the I.R.S. feel about all of this?  (Patsy ~ Grand Junction, CO)
A. Well, I.R.S. employee Sarah Ingram was so excited about Obama’s agenda against conservative groups and “secret donors” that she fired off a giddy email to Lois Lerner.  Lately, most I.R.S. employees seem to be of the mindset to “batten down the hatches” and “ride out the storm,” meaning they’re on Team Obama’s side. That’s one more reason why everyone in Washington should be fired.  Should there be an American march on Washington?  You can bet your sweet bippees there should be. 

“Before Google, we had minds of our own.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


Saturday, June 28, 2014


1.3 million Montana residents have had their health care accounts hacked; hackers placed a virus on a Montana Health Department server. 

That would be the entire population of Montana.  Sign up for ObamaCare today!

Q. Do I understand this correctly: A Florida resident of a condo association faces eviction for displaying a small American Flag in a flower pot on his porch?  (Heidi ~ Davenport, IA)
A. Yes, that is correct.  It all started about three years ago when the resident and association reached an out-of-court agreement whereby the resident would display his flag according to condo association rules. Two weeks later, the association changed the rules: flower pots are now only for flowers and flags can only be displayed on a pole outside the garage.  The resident, although faced with fines of $100 per day, hung tight.  The association, Tides Condominium at Sweetwater, is now seeking eviction based on $8,000 in unpaid fines.  The association reached an agreement with him in 2011 and then changed the rules.  The association is evidently controlled by left-wing radical Obama zombies. They should be made to reimburse him for court costs, aggravation and treble damages.        

Q. Veterans are boycotting Mexico until Tahmooressi, the American ex-Marine, is released from prison.  What do you think?  (Dooley ~ Gallup, NM)
A. I agree wholeheartedly.  Beyond that, we should boycott Mexico until they seal their border with us.  They are not being responsible partners in the Western hemisphere and we don’t even have any business sending them any support funds.  The only positive thing we have ever received from Mexico is tacos.

Q. A Federal Judge in Colorado just ruled in favor of restrictive gun control laws passed by the Colorado Legislature last year.  Marcia Krieger, Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, issued the ruling with the anticipation that it might be challenged.  She relied on some selective precedents.  Do you think her ruling will stick if appealed?  (Velma ~ Pensacola, FL)
A. Not having read the actual rulings on the three contested laws, I’m not in the position to answer that.  I will say that, were she in an elected position, she’d probably be out of a job, which is why I do not believe Judges should be appointed for life terms.    

“I stand fearlessly for small dogs, the American flag and the Bible.  That’s why people love me.” ~ Art Linkletter


Friday, June 27, 2014


The Supreme Court nailed it again yesterday when it ruled that the President did not have the authority to circumvent the will of Congress by making “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board during a three-day vacation.  Obama stacked the deck at the NLRB by naming several staunch labor representatives to the board, grossly tilting the scales of equality to the union side.  The Constitutional provision does allow emergency appointments without Senate approval when the Senate is actually in a recess and it is vitally important to the security or mission of the country to have the position filled immediately; the Court ruled the three-day period did not constitute a “recess.”  

The unanimous decision, 9-0, is a firm rebuke of Obama’s doctrine. Obama has probably already thrown a tantrum of gigantic proportions; he probably threw his golf clubs all of the way across the Oval Office. 

Q. With all of the rest of the garbage floating out of the White House these days, we haven’t heard a word about ObamaCare.  What’s going on?  (Rudolph ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. Oh, everything is peachy keen.  In actuality, I think if Congress started looking at where the money went on that program, they’d be in for a rude awakening.  It’ll be back in the news very shortly. 

Q. Now the EPA is missing emails and THEY are blaming crashed computers.  What do you think?  (Jody ~ Laramie, WY)
A. Cyberspace is getting awfully crowded with official documents.  FOX NEWS reported yesterday morning that the White House copies of Lerner’s emails are also missing and Administration drones are now claiming that no one keeps emails for over six months anyway.  Now come on… how much more of this bullshit are you going to take before you contact your Congressional delegate and demand impeachment proceedings against both Obama and Holder? 

Q. Ted Cruz should impeach Holder because he flatly refuses to appoint a Special Prosecutor on Benghazi or the IRS.  Can that be done?  (Lonnie ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Once again, as with Obama, the House approves the Articles of Impeachment and the Senate conducts the actual trial; can you picture Harry Reid doing that?  That is why it is so important to remove Democrat Senators in November.   

“Garbage is the part of your history you don’t want your family to know about.” ~ Vik Muniz


Thursday, June 26, 2014


The Supreme Court of the United States, (SCOTUS), decided that cops need a judicially approved search warrant to investigate the contents of your cell phone.  That case arose when an individual was pulled over for a traffic violation, had his cell phone searched without any warrant and was subsequently charged with being a terrorist and having illegal weapons. 

In the second major decision, SCOTUS rule against AEREO, a television rebroadcast company that was collecting local TV station broadcasts for free and making them available to subscribers for a fee on the Internet.  The Court ruled it was a violation of copyright law. 

The first decision was unique in modern Court history in that it was a 9-0 decision.  The second was a 6-3 decision.  What this all means is that the cops cannot seize your smartphone and search its contents without a warrant unless there are emergency extenuating circumstances.  And, although broadcast signals may be available for free, they are still the property of the broadcasting company and cannot be resold for profit.  I agree with both decisions, which entitles me to a stiff drink. 

Q. Is it true that Senator Charles Grassley from Iowa was a potential target of the IRS for audit?  (Chester ~ Friant, CA)
A. According to emails recently uncovered by Congress, that appears to be the case… that Lerner was advocating for such an audit.  And, the IRS admitted yesterday that it had leaked confidential information about a Tea Party group to the media prior to the 2012 elections.  Ladies and gentlemen, (I'm sorry that excludes Obama, Reid and Pelosi), we have thugs in charge of the IRS and our government. 

Q. I heard earlier this year that the U.S. economy had only shrunk by 0.1%; now we get a “revision” of 2.9%.  I could understand a revision to .2% or even to 1% under some circumstances.  Isn’t this really fraud on the part of the Administration?  (Gayle ~ Silver Springs, NV)
A. Fraud?  On the part of  THE Obama Administration?  Come on! 

Q. What’s your opinion of Hillary Clinton being paid $225,000 to make a speech at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas?  (Tillie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Don’t be so critical.  Everyone knows that the Clintons were virtually “paupers” when they left the White House; she said so.  If she’s going to be our next President, she simply has to be able to buy a new wardrobe, doesn’t she? 

“I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” ~ Pablo Picasso


Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Domestic abusers are not allowed to have guns. But gun control advocates want to expand that federal law to include those who merely have been accused of threatening violence -- by prohibiting those under a temporary restraining order from having firearms. 

This is dangerous territory.  In the evolution of this thinking, if I ask you how your divorce is going and you jokingly reply, “I’d like to kill that woman,” (what man or woman who has ever gone through a divorce hasn’t made a similar remark about their soon-to-be ex-spouse), then all of your guns could automatically be confiscated.  What if you get into an argument with your boss; can he have the cops grab your guns?  I don’t disagree with the general idea, I guess, but there is no provision for due process and on that basis alone we need to fight this proposal tooth and nail. 

Q. I can’t believe that the White House didn’t know in advance of Bergdahl’s trade for the five Taliban that Bergdahl was a traitor, or at least a deserter.  (Aileen ~ Kent, WA)
A. Well, Obama finds everything out by reading the newspaper, so how could he have had a clue?  But, you are absolutely correct; his military records reflected that, according to his former roommate.  And they certainly must have reviewed those records in the process of deciding whether or not to do the trade.  I think Obama thought he was going to take the heat off Benghazi, the V.A. mess and the I.R.S. scandal and was shocked when Americans were angry over the deal. 

Q. The damned government is moving these poor illegal immigrant kids all across the country.  What if they have contagious diseases?  What if there are sex crimes committed or some get loose and vandalize?  What if a community flat doesn’t want them in its neighborhood?  (Shep ~ Forks, WA)
A. A small town in Virginia echoes your disdain and was successful in forcing the government to house a group of illegal children elsewhere.  I have empathy for the kids.  At the same time I have anger at the Administration for refusing, time and time again, to deal responsibly with the matter.  The blame rests solely on the President’s shoulders, since he is the one who refuses to enforce the existing immigration laws. 

Q. With everything that is going on internationally right now, what do you think of Obama’s foreign policy? (Si ~ Sparks, NV)
A. What foreign policy? 

“Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.” ~ John F. Kennedy


Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Barack walked to lunch yesterday, all of the way to the local Chipotles.  Believe it or not, no one noticed or paid any attention to him. 

Native Americans call that "shunning."  How did the Secret Service get in the door if Chiptole’s bans guns?  If I had been a customer and saw him, I would have walked out.  Chipotle’s stock is probably going down as you read this. 

Q. How can we best stem the flow of illegals across the border? (Jorge ~ Bismarck, ND)
A. Quit sending money to Mexico, put an embargo on goods coming across the border and shut down tourism to Mexico.  Their government will get the message and deal expeditiously with the problem.  And I wonder why we can’t deduct the costs of dealing with these illegals and their children, including their medical care, food and housing, from any aid we do give to Mexico. 

Q. Are you concerned about the Muslim population in this country?  (Tanya ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Yes.  I am concerned they do not speak out against terrorism.  I worry about ongoing activities kept hidden in their mosques.  On the other hand, I worry about how they are going to be able to afford to pay their 7-11 clerks and motel maids $15 an hour. 

Q. What’s the latest on the N.S.A. domestic spying scandal?  (Turk ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. The N.S.A. oversight, F.I.S.A., just approved a continuation of domestic spying activities for another 90 days.  Now, if I recall correctly, Obama told us he had “fixed” that problem.  I’ve been researching historical records to see when it was that Obama last told the truth about anything; so far, I’m back to Exodus, Chapter 40. 

“Every country degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.  The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


Monday, June 23, 2014


FOX NEWS is reporting Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against religious liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital.  "I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States, where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."


Our President is a traitor to us and our American Dream.  He has weakened national security and virtually destroyed our economy.  He has single-handedly ruined our healthcare system; fostered the illegal sale of guns across the border; covered up the national tragedy at Benghazi; overseen the I.R.S. targeting of his political enemies and allowed for the destruction of evidence; turned the activities of the N.S.A. inward against our citizens; and openly and flagrantly refused to abide by our Constitution which he is sworn to uphold and protect.  He is a traitor, protected by the Democrats in the Senate whose shameless lies about ObamaCare and whose flat refusal to exercise restraint against a runaway President have cut our national flesh to the marrow. We should march on Washington and the quicker the better. 


Q. If we were to send all 12 million plus illegals back to Mexico, what effect would that have on Mexico?  (Potter ~ Boise, ID)
A. I think there would be an impetus for change; here you have 12 million who have tasted a free democracy and a capitalistic system.  They can be the foundation for change in the country and then the Mexicans can elect an Obama to lead them down the tubes. 

Q. If you had the power, how would you resolve the problem of illegal immigration?  (Jordy ~ Durango, CO)
A. I’d hire the Israelis to guard the borders. 

Q. Do you really think we are in danger of a terrorist strike here in the U.S., or are you just crying wolf?  (Dana ~ Snohomish, WA)
A. Well, Al Qaeda is on the run, remember?  They’re decimated and no longer a threat to anyone, according to our President.  So, everything must be just hunky-dory.  Don’t worry about a thing; we’re just as safe as we were on September 10, 2001. 


“The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his county and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt