Monday, November 4, 2013


Ever since this country was founded, public and government meetings everywhere have begun with an opening prayer.  This week, the Supreme Court will hear a case that will decide whether or not the practice can continue.  In Greece v. Galloway, a lower New York court ruled that opening a town council meeting with a prayer violates the First Amendment’s Establishment of Religion Clause. The court ruled that the prayers violated the separation of church and state and the content of the prayers could give the impression that the government endorses Christianity.

Here we go with another outright assault on the foundations of our democracy and our country.  I am an American; I have the right to pray whether I’m in church, at home, in a school or in a government meeting… wherever I am.  Others have the same right and if they choose to join me in my prayer that is another guaranteed right of assembly.  Those that don’t want to pray don’t have to, but they have no right to tell me I can’t.  And just because we’re praying someplace does not mean that everyone who is witness to such praying has to convert their religious beliefs.  Enough of this horse manure already!

Q. Do any countries have the ability right now to deliver a nuclear bomb in the United States?  (Dinah ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Without question, both Russia and China can reach well into the U.S. with nuclear weapons.  In fact, China’s modern nuclear-armed submarine fleet outshines the Russian fleet. 

Q. Ever since we got out of Iraq things have been regressing and violence has been growing.  Do you think there is a chance we will go back into Iraq?  (Parry ~ Cheyenne, WY)
A. No.  If he won’t help our staunchest ally, Israel, why would Obama help Iraq?  They will probably seek help from Russia or China.  Under Obama, our Middle East policy is an absolute failure.    

Q. Everyone is standing around helpless while the ObamaCare thing turns the country upside-down.  Isn’t there anything we can do?  (Myra ~ Milpitas, CA)
A. As I’ve said before, you can still vote it down; don’t sign up for it.  If it is true that 70% of the country is against it and they only get 30% to sign up, it will die for lack of funding.  Don’t let them bully you into it until you have to alternative at the very last minute. 

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.” Voltaire


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