Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Valerie Jarrett wields more influence as to what goes on in the White House than Michelle Obama.  No one gets anything approved at the White House unless she’s in on it.  Now, the story is that she has been secretly negotiating with Iran’s Atomic Energy Commission and that a deal has been already struck, according to Israeli sources.  This means that upcoming talks are a farce. 


It also underscores my contention that Obama doesn’t know spit about foreign relations, particularly when it comes to the Middle East.  If you think Barack Hussein Obama is a left-wing socialist, you need to be aware that Jarrett is far more to the left in her political thinking than Obama.  I suspect that she has replaced the Bible with the Teachings of Mao Tse-Tung as her guiding light. 


Q.  What’s your opinion regarding the Mayor of Toronto?  Should he resign?  (Carlotta ~ Honeyville, UT)
A. I couldn’t care less about the Mayor of Toronto; he’s in an entirely different country and has nothing to do with us in any way, shape or form.  If you want to worry yourself about something, worry about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, spying on Americans, ObamaMare, corruption in Congress and things that matter to US.  How are you going to manage to get toys under the tree THIS Christmas?

Q. I understand there is a push on to have neighbors report you if they think you have too much ammo in your stash.  Where do these Obama knockoffs come from?  (Quint ~ Lander, WY)
A. They come from underneath rocks made from petrified cow manure.  Whose determination is too much ammo?  One round?  One box of 20?  Considering my shot gun, my two rifles and three pistols, I have over 1,000 rounds of ammo on hand.  Is that too much?  Is a billion rounds, like the DHS has, too much?  Who says so?  People who enjoy shooting always have a lot of ammo on hand.  You look for sales and stock up.  You want to be able to go to the range and shoot to your heart’s content without going to the ammo shop every five minutes.  What’s wrong with that?  I don’t care how much ammo you have; you can only get so many rounds of ammo in a gun at a time anyway. 

Q. I hear that ObamaCare sent over $4 billion to states to implement their programs that we did not know about.  I also understand there is a provision that if insurance companies lose money, they will be reimbursed by ObamaCare.  How is it possible that this program is going to save us hundreds of billions of dollars when they can’t even get anybody to sign up for it?  (Peggy ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Essentially, everything they told you when they were trying to get it passed was a lie, Peggy.  There’s no way it can save anybody a dime.  In fact, it is going to add so heavily to the debt and tax burden of this country that many economists are warning it will be the straw that broke the eagle’s back.  I said it back in 2010 when it was passed and I’ll repeat myself now: It’s unworkable, uneconomical, unfair and unsustainable.  But, as Nancy Pelosi says, “It’s the law of the land, so get used to it.” 


This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government basically running the entire healthcare system, turning large insurers into de facto public utilities, depriving people of choice, depriving people of options, raising people's prices, raising taxes when we need new jobs.” ~ Paul Ryan


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