Friday, November 15, 2013


Amtrak is losing somewhere in the neighborhood of $72 million a year.  Although that’s only about one-tenth of what they are spending on the ObamaCare website, they hired an auditor to figure out what’s wrong.  Back when the ill-fated government venture into private enterprise failed, someone suggested they might get more long-distance riders if they offered free drinks to the passengers and that they’d get better help if they started buying meals for them.  Sure enough, losses declined.  And, sure enough, the auditors are now saying that the government needs to cut the free booze and food out to save money. 


The financial geniuses probably provided the financial predictions for ObamaCare, too.  Please pass the gray poop on. 


Q. Why isn’t Obama going to attend the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address?  (Ohnie ~ Oklahoma City, OK)
A. He’s probably afraid that he’ll get booed off the stage. 

Q. I hear there’s a study out that says the incidence of racism is higher among non-black gun owners than other segments of the population.  Are they now about to say that all gun owners are racist?  (Garth ~ Sedona, AZ)
A. The study was done in Australia.  I find it difficult to believe; I think that the incidence of racism among blacks is much higher than whites, generally speaking.  The fact is that most gun violence occurs among blacks, but I have no statistics as to how much of that violence is directed against whites as opposed to blacks.  I think that as far as white gun violence is concerned, there is generally no correlation; most of those who shoot don’t care what color their prey is.  But, if saying that white gun owners are racists in America and if that argument will aid their quest toward more gun control, they’ll use it regardless of whether it is true or not. 

Q. Do you think the President’s solution to the ObamaCare problem he offered yesterday will do the trick?  (Lea ~ Belmont, CA)
A. No.  (Read my post on MY AMERICAN OPINION).  In fact, as the day wore on [yesterday], it became more and more apparent to me that people are seeing right through his “solution.”  And, they are seething mad.  I think they are angrier about having Obama abuse their trust of him in such a calloused and calculated dirty, rotten scheme.  Furthermore, I think his speech yesterday completed his conversion into a full-fledged lame-duck President.  Now, maybe there is finally some opportunity here for the Democrats and the Republicans to work together on some important legislation that no longer needs Obama’s dictatorial blessing. 


We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

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