Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely believes Obama is "intentionally weakening and gutting our military and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged," according to a news brief by NEWSMAX.  The story alleges that top-ranked military officers who disagree with Obama Administration policy or who vocalize against Obama are being shuttled out.  

I’ve always believed that if a person of dictatorial intent wanted to take over this country, he would be most certainly thwarted by a recalcitrant cadre of patriotic military officers.   This news deeply concerns me. 

Q.  There’s a slugfest going on in Virginia in an election race for governor.  Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are throwing tons of money and flying in high-powered political speakers to try and win.  Obama was there over the weekend and really slammed the Tea Parties.  Do you think his style of campaigning is going to help Terry McAuliffe?  (Phyllis ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. I think Virginians are sophisticated enough to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, and I think Obama is rapidly losing his luster and magnetism as people are discovering for themselves who he really is. 

Q. I am hearing scary figures that over 100 million Americans may lose their insurance plans or have them drastically altered under ObamaCare.  I thought the figures was going to be more like 16 to18 million.  (Sal ~ Des Moines, IA)
A. The higher numbers, up to 139 million, come from those insured under employer-provided healthcare policies.  Obama gave them a one-year extension on their mandate, so that bad news won’t actually hit until this time next year… just before the 2014 elections.    

Q. What do you think about the NEW YORK TIMES position that Obama merely “misspoke” about being able to keep your insurance, your doctor and your hospital, period?  (Tip ~ Lockwood, NV)
A. Yeah, and if you really believe that, I have some great land in the Everglades I’d like to sell you. And they wonder why nobody buys their newspapers anymore. 

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” ~ Ronald Reagan


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