Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The WASHINGTON POST is reporting that the Obama team deliberately lied about the real unemployment figures in the weeks and months leading up to the November 2012 elections.  The September 2012 job numbers were “manipulated” and the U.S. Census Bureau, the government agency responsible for the report, knew it, the Post alleges, citing “reliable sources.” This was supposedly done in an effort to sway voters and win the election.  

Should this be any surprise to anyone?  We all know the lies Obama told about Benghazi during the debates.  Let’s face it; Americans have a liar for President and if we can't trust him, why should Israel?  In fact, I suggest that Iran may already have its nuclear weapon.  Wouldn’t THAT be a bombshell, pardon the play on words. 

Q. What do you think about George Zimmerman and his new domestic violence charge?  (Gabe ~ Whiskeytown, CA)
A. From the description of the way the girlfriend acted, I think she might be manic-depressive bi-polar.  But, you sure have to wonder about good old George the way he keeps running into adverse situations.  Maybe he should take up boxing.

Q. The son of the Virginia senator who almost totally stabbed his dad to death before shooting himself had just been released from a psychiatric ward because they had a shortage of beds.  How can a shortage of beds be justification for letting a nut run loose?  (Megan ~ Socorro, NM)
A. I agree he could sleep on the floor for a while.  When you have the plague running loose and a hospital full of patients, the sick even have beds in the halls.  I think this was a gross mistake and policies and procedures need to be evaluated.  I also think the psycho ward could be sued.  I think there is poor judgment being used by a whole lot of people is responsible positions in all segments of our society.    

Q. Washington state resident Jessica Sanford was touted by Obama as being an ObamaCare success story, but she’s now found out that she doesn’t qualify for subsidies or tax credits.  How many more people are going to find out they don’t qualify for subsidies after they’ve already signed up?  (Nancy ~ Pendleton, OR)
A. Just like buying a used car and finding out that the engine doesn’t come with it, huh?  Since they purposely were hiding the costs of ObamaCare from potential clients signing up on the website, I suspect the number will be rather high.  This Administration never hides good news, only bad news.  Maybe Obama will feel sorry for her and buy her a beer in the White House Rose Garden. 

“How to Commit the Perfect Murder" was an old game in heaven. I always chose the icicle: the weapon melts away.” ~ Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones


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