Thursday, November 21, 2013


THE BLAZE is reporting that Al Qaeda terrorists are located here in the U.S. 

You need to read the article and watch the video.  It seems to me that the D.H.S. N.S.A., C.I.A., F.B.I. and D.O.J. are so busy targeting Obama’s enemies that they’re falling down on their real jobs. How far downhill are you willing to let this country slide before you decide to get rid of the scum that is engineering it?   


Q.  Do you have comment regarding Martin Bashir’s horrid comments about Sarah Palin?  (Edgar  ~ Goleta, CA)
A. Martin has freedom of speech.  However, when I was in radio there were certain words you could not use and certain lines you could not cross, and that was by FCC regulation.  Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the freedom to leave your senses or to leave good taste behind, especially on the airwaves.  Society has the right to fire back at those who violate such standards.  Bashir should be terminated by his network and have his broadcasting permit revoked.  Let him make his remarks from a tree stump in the local sewer ponds.  It’s time for Americans to hold those left-wing bigots accountable for their vicious and despicable behaviors.

Q.  If Obama gets removed from office, Biden would become President.  From that place, could he beat Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Presidential nomination?  (Lilly ~ Davis, CA)
A.  What dilemmas you pose.  First of all, you’d have to get Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind the removal of Obama from office to make it work.  The Democratic Party is dumb enough to go down with the sinking ship because they refuse to accept the mere possibility that they might, somehow make a mistake.  Nevertheless, if Biden ended up in the White House, Hillary would die of a hissy before she had a chance to announce her candidacy.  What difference, at this point, does it make?    

Q.  Can Obama make a comeback and salvage his residency?  (Perry ~ Hemet, CA)
A.  Not if the allegations of manipulation of labor statistics prior to the 2012 election prove to be true, and it looks as if they are.  He also has Benghazi hanging around his neck, and that is the issue that could crumble his Presidency and result in impeachment.  I think he’ll become a totally lame-duck President at best.  Quack, quack. 


Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity, Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate.” ~ Orson Welles


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