Friday, November 1, 2013


Attorneys at the Justice Department are currently working to advance a Supreme Court argument that the Federal government should be allowed to invoke international treaties as legal basis for policies that government officials are unable to put into place because they conflict with the Nation’s Constitution.  GO TO FULL ARTICLE

The entire country should be watching this.  If this gets past the Supreme Court, it gives Obama the tool he needs to shove the U.N. gun control treaty down our throats and confiscate our guns.  It is also a lesson as to what extremes Obama will go to in order to become a de facto dictator of America. 

Q. I know this can’t be possible, but I heard that Google is soon going to be able to follow your mouse?  (Heidi ~ San Clemente, CA)
A. It’s Facebook, (same thing, right?), and they’re on the verge of perfecting it.  They figure if they keep track of where your mouse points and how long it rests on different things, they can figure out your psyche.  Stay away from those X-rated sites. 

Q. I can’t believe that Obama named a new Ambassador to Libya.  Isn’t it still very dangerous for our diplomats to be there?  (Fess ~ Yuma, AZ)   
A. Five foreign embassies or consulates have been attacked there this year.  Civil war is imminent and the nation is on the verge of failed government.  We should get the hell out and stay out.    

Q. I can’t believe all of the things coming out about ObamaCare.  How did we ever fall for this in the first place?  (Chris ~ Holbrook, AZ)
A. Well, I didn’t.  I wasn’t taken in by that sweet-talking idiot.  But, this is only the tip of the iceberg.  If the media and press now finally do their jobs, the blinders are going to be pulled off a whole lot of zombies in this country.   

The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.” ~ Jay Leno


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