Monday, October 14, 2013


The smallest annual increase in Social Security Benefits and Veterans pay in 39 years of historical record keeping since COLA kicked in will be forthcoming in 2014.  The government is saying that the small increase this year will be due to the small increase in consumer prices. 

That is the biggest, ugliest lie I have ever heard of.  Anybody who is anybody who does any shopping for food, who pays rent, who buys gasoline or who uses toilet tissue knows that prices are soaring.  Inflation is on the run.  Nearly 58 million retirees, disabled workers, spouses and children get Social Security benefits. The average monthly payment is $1,162. A 1.5 percent raise would increase the typical monthly payment by about $17.  Dammit, the price of prune juice alone has gone up by that much!  This is probably another oppressive Obama “payback” to seniors because they have had it up to their ears with him and his syndicate. 

Q. How did the Million Vets March on Washington turn out?  (Lance ~ Salinas, CA)
A. Thousands showed up, removed barricades from War Memorials and rallied.  They marched to the White House and held protests there.  Never before in the history of this country, government showdown or not, has any war memorial been closed to vets.  They let their anger toward the Administration be demonstrated.  So far, Obama has known better than to open his mouth about it. 

Q. The EBT system went down Saturday leaving people unable to buy groceries.   What’s the story?  (Nabil ~ Denver, CO)
A. The government is blaming a software glitch and is insisting it and nothing to do with the government shutdown or an effort to inconvenience recipients.    The outage, which affected nearly 1 million in Massachusetts alone, was caused by a backup test of the Xerox Corp.’s systems Saturday morning, Xerox said.

Q. Do you think it is true that the many problems with ObamaCare will bring the Democrats and Obama a lot of grief?  (Jeremy ~ Novato, CA)
A. No.  The press and media will not report the problems and Obama will stonewall any attempt to bring them out.  Look at how he’s handled Benghazi and the I.R.S. scandal. 

We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.” ~ Ronald Reagan


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