Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Just one day after the government shutdown came to a close, totally removing the cap on national debt until February 7th, the government added a record $328 billion in spending to the national debt.  The approved spending included tons of pork. 


Those guys show great fiscal restraint, don’t they?  By the way, that’s $1,000 in spending for every man, woman and child in the United States… in one day. 


Q. More and more people are calling for the formation of a third political party.  Can such a party succeed?  (Patsy ~ Kellogg, ID)
A. Stats show that 58% to 60% of the Americans are not happy with government. If you can find some political platform upon which those people agree, you can form a viable third party.  You need to pull from Independents, Libertarians, Democrats and Republicans in order to pull it off.  My only concern is that it would only split the Republican vote and give the Obamacrats control of both houses of Congress again in 2014. 

Q. The Libertarian Party is asserting that the Republican Party and Democrat Party are no longer two separate parties.  Do you agree?  (Olivia ~ Santa Barbara, CA)
A.  If you will check back into my blogging history, you’ll see that I have been saying that for a long period of time.  You could split off the “moderate” Republicans and fold them into the Democrat Party without a glitch.  There are a lot of Republicans these days, like Mitch McConnell and John McCain, who are “closet” Democrats.  Very few people in Washington are willing to stand up for what is right these days, if you’ll pardon the play on words.   

Q. What do you think the chances are that Russia will emerge as being more powerful militarily and politically than the U.S.?  (Lyle ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. The Russian government just approved a 50% increase in military spending on nuclear weapons; Obama wants to unilaterally decrease the number of our nukes.  Putin’s international stature grew immensely over Obama’s during the recent Syrian crisis.  Does that all answer your question? 


“Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living.” ~ Omar N. Bradley


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