Monday, October 7, 2013


Despite accounting for the “glitches,” ObamaCare signups seem to be disturbingly low.  However, the Administration flatly refuses to release any figures. 

Another Benghazi cover-up?  TOWNHALL reports: “We know that individual state figures have ranged from bad (Kentucky, where 5.3 percent of visitors enrolled), to negligible (Connecticut, 0.58 percent) to, um, zero: Louisiana’s top health-insurance provider said that not a single person enrolled in a new health-care plan offered through the Affordable Care Act on its first day.”  Americans have no business signing up for this atrocity. 

Q. The Supreme Court will soon be hearing the matter of recess appointments made by the President.  The Constitution generally provides that appoints must be ratified by the Senate, unless there is an emergency need to fill the position during Congressional recess.  Obama named several appointees to the National Labor Relations Board over Christmas; that’s what the case is about.  What’s your thinking?  (Garth ~ Diablo, CA)
A. I haven’t had the benefit of reading the Federalist Papers which go into the thinking behind some of the provisions of the Constitution.  My gut reaction is that such an appointment should be made to fill the position until Congress comes back from recess.  In the case coming before the Court, there is the question as to whether or not the Congress was in recess or on vacation, being entirely two different things.   

Q. I just learned that the doctor will no longer be in charge of your treatment under ObamaCare.  Whatever treatment is prescribed for whatever you have must be approved by some meat head bureaucrat?  (Tessie ~ Bellingham, WA)
A.  Correct.  I don’t know, however, that the bureaucrat would necessarily be a meat head; he/she might be a fish head or a chicken head.     

Q. I can’t believe that Obama canceled his schedule trip to Asia because of the government shutdown.  What’s the real reason?  (Billie ~ Casa Grande, AZ)
A. (1) He can’t find anyone to put fuel in Air Force One; (2) the Asians told him to stay home; (3) he’s afraid of what Biden might say while he’s out of town; or (4) his hemorrhoids are bothering him. 

“You can’t always judge a man’s popularity by how many people show up at his funeral.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Here’s another video you should not miss…)

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