Wednesday, October 30, 2013


The head of the agency responsible for overseeing the troubled repeatedly refused to disclose how many people have enrolled in ObamaCare during a hearing where she did not deny that officials have that information.  Mary Tavener said that, "We made the decision that we were not releasing the numbers until mid-November."  She did not specify a reason why or whether or not her people had been instructed to withhold the information. 

You have no right to know until those in charge say you can know. They know that whatever figures they end up revealing may be “incorrect,” but they don’t want to reveal them anyway.  You, American ladies and gentlemen, have no choice but to stuff it while “they” sit on it. 

Q. In this last budget battle, did they revoke the special subsidies that Congressional employees are getting for ObamaCare?  (Kippy ~ Sun City, AZ)
A. No. 

Q. What’s going on with Syria lately?  (Prentice ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A.  There is so much sectarian violence that Syrians are fleeing to Lebanon by the tens of thousands… over 800,000 so far.  Lebanon is in danger due to its fragile economy.   

Q. I hear there’s a new and dangerous computer virus going around? (Kylie ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. It easy to fall for.  An authentic looking email from UPS or FedEx or similar big business has all of the logos and no bad grammar.  It’s called the Crypto Virus and will steal your financial information, passwords and operating system, demanding you to pay a ransom to get everything back.  Keep your anti-virus library up-to-date daily and don’t open any emails from businesses you don’t have a relationship with. 

“After all, just one virus on a computer is one too many.” ~ Glenn Turner


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