Sunday, October 13, 2013


Signs of a possible end to the government shutdown and stalemate ended yesterday when Harry Reid’s Senate summarily shot down another House proposal. 

If Americans do not understand who is to blame here yet, they surely need their heads examined.  Obama and Reid continue to sit on their asses and refuse to negotiate while pointing their pointing their poisonous, calloused and mean-spirited fingers of hatred at the Republicans.  Obama, Reid and Pelosi have proven beyond a reasonable doubt they care only about themselves and their left-wing progressive agendas and they have no respect for our Constitution,  our values or our wishes.  We need to rise from OUR asses and do something about it.  Write, call, email, fax your Congressional delegation right now, this very minute and give them an earful.  They need to hear it from us, loud and clear.  If we give in to this oppressive regime now, we’re toast. 

Q. What’s the status of the Keystone Pipeline?  (Amanda ~ Park City, UT)
A. Still no decision.  Construction has started on the southern end, which is not going through the process of waiting for the President’s signature.  A group of environmentalists sued the government for allowing that and a Federal Appeals Court has ruled that particular portion of the project can continue.  The word is that any decision by the President will be delayed for an undetermined length of time due to the government shutdown.  I guess his brain, if he has one, has shut down as well. 

Q. Dr. Ben Carson has lashed out on ObamaCare, saying:  "It is slavery, in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government." Do you agree?  (Red ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Totally.   It is tyrannical, it violates our privacy, it takes our own medical decisions out of our hands and it deprives us of freedom of choice. 

Q. I hear that The White House is again on a warpath against FOX?  (Carlos ~ Kent, WA)
A. Jay Carney has taken to refusing to answer questions from Ed Henry, the FOX NEWS White House Correspondent.  The other day, Henry finally got up and walked out of the conference.  Carney turned with a big grin on his face to the rest of the reporters and said, “I should have called on him, right?”  If that doesn’t tell you who is controlling the media and what is reported in this country, what does?  We no longer have a free press in this country! 

TODAY’S QUOTE:  (Regarding Freedom of the Press)
“متهمون نحن بالإرهاب
أذا كتبنا عن بقايا وطن ...
مخلع ... مفكك مهترئ
أشلاؤه تناثرت أشلاء ...
عن وطن يبحث عن عنوانه ...
وأمة ليس لها سماء !!
عن وطن ... يمنعنا ان نشتري
أو نسمع الأنباء ...
عن وطن ... كل العصافير به
ممنوعة دوما من الغناء ...
عن وطن ...
كتابه تعودوا أن يكتبوا
من شدة الرعب ...
على الهواء !!”
نزار قباني


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