Friday, August 23, 2013


Ayo Kimathi, a Department of Homeland Security manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government is also running an inflammatory website that throws around gay slurs and advocates the mass murder of "whites" and the "ethnic cleansing" of "Uncle Tom race traitors," according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.  His website, “War on the Horizon,” declares, “In order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

D.H.S. is claiming that Kimathi came to them for permission to put up the website, but misrepresented it as being a venue for selling concert tickets.  Isn’t it amazing how the government, in all of its misdeeds, never manages to be a guilty party?  The fact is that the atmosphere created by the President has at the very least encouraged such thinking and such actions.  I’m not so certain that it was not by design.   

Q. The Justice Department is suing Texas to try and keep them from enforcing sound voter laws.  Are they deliberately trying to get rid of all of the safeguards in our election process?  (Trudy ~ Boise, ID)
A. I believe one of the steps necessary to destroy our Constitution is to cause us to lose confidence in our political process. 

Q. Bradley Manning says he wants to switch genders and change his name to Chelsea.  Will the taxpayers have to pay for this?  (Spike ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A. Well, if we don’t do that, wouldn’t the “establishment” consider his prison sentence to be cruel and unusual punishment?  I mean, wouldn’t spending 35 years in prison in a sex gender you don’t belong in be cruel and unusual?  On that basis alone, I think he deserves a Presidential pardon.  Please pass the gray poop on.    

Q. I read that Obama is forking out $67 million to organizations to get out and beat the streets to get people signed up for ObamaCare.  Does this mean that ACORN is alive and well?  (Fawn ~ Corpus Christi, TX)
A. They have always been alive and well; they just changed their names.  Three of the Planned Parenthood organizations received money for this purpose.  Obviously, they are having big time trouble in getting people to go along with their damned ObamaCare.  I’d just love it if the whole country would just stand up and flip Obama, Pelosi and Reid off. 

“Everybody's scared for their ass. There aren't too many people ready to die for racism. They'll kill for racism but they won't die for racism.” ~ Florynce Kennedy


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