Wednesday, August 28, 2013


NATIONAL REVIEW is reporting that that John Boehner is basically telling Republican Congressman that they had better not even think about defunding ObamaCare.  'Our intent is to move quickly on a short-term continuing resolution [CR] that keeps the government running...”  In the meantime, the Tea Parties are joining together to tell Congress they had better damned well defund ObamaCare, or else. 

There are also reports that 163 House Members have signed a letter demanding a Special Committee investigation of the Benghazi Massacre and that Boehner has refused to let it see the light of day.  In any event, the battle for control of the Republican Party is being joined, as far as I can see it.  Look for a whole lot of screaming and yelling and esteemed members of Congress making jackasses out of themselves again.  In the meantime, I say let’s stir up some of our own angst and bombard those guys on the Hill with faxes, emails, letters, phone calls…. PLEASE… Get out at least one missile launched off to members of your Congressional delegation every day until the vote comes down.  They need to hear from us.  Let’s drown them out and, while we’re at it, let them know they need to replace Boehner. 

Q. President Obama is delaying the Keystone Pipeline again.  With the danger of a regional war in the Middle East, what in God’s name is his energy policy, anyway?  (Dale ~ Citrus Heights, CA)
A. He told us his energy policy before he was elected: he wants to see gasoline prices up to at least $6.00 per gallon before he leaves office. 

Q. Obama is saying there is no room for negotiation on the debt ceiling; he wants his money and he wants it now.  Do you think there will be a shutdown of government over ObamaCare funding?  (Thad ~ Fallon, NV)
A. Yes.  The real cause will be a struggle for power within the Republican Party, the “Old Guard” vs. the new guys.  Someone in this country has to have the courage to stand up to this two-bit Chicago Kenyan thug.  And he, on the other hand, wants to “get even” over Sequestration.  How it hurts the American public, however, is of no one’s concern.  Maybe this will be the spark that finally ticks the country off.    

Q. What’s the latest in Washington on the gun control front?  (Adriana ~ Park City, UT)
A. There’s a bill, HB3018, in the House of Representatives that would put a Federal Tax of 20% on handguns and 50% on all ammunition sales.  It’s obvious that this is an effort to price shooting out of the reach of a lot of people, criminals not included.  We’ve got a lot of fighting to do ahead of us, and we need to start by getting these idiots out of office in 2014.   

“Trying to understand his strategic thinking is like trying to nail jelly to the wall.”  Former Ambassador John Bolton on how Obama might respond to Assad’s use of chemical weapons. 


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