Monday, August 12, 2013


The White House and the Obama Camp have refused comment on a story that John Boehner and Barack Obama are secretly negotiating on the immigration problem and amnesty prospects.  Spokesmen for Boehner have been equally silent.  Jay Carney has admitted that at least one conversation has taken place, but flatly declined to say what has been discussed. 

Ah, yes.  Remember that famous, top-secret round of golf between Boehner and Obama after which Boehner sold the country down the drain by caving in on the national debt limit?  Boehner has to go; he’s part of the problem in Washington.   

Q. I know you are sour on the Republican Party.  I think you said you quit the party and joined the Libertarians.  There’s no Libertarian who is going to win the Presidency next time, so who are you going to vote for?  (Halle ~ Concord, CA)
A. Here’s the next election in black and white.  There is no single candidate being considered by the Republican hierarchy at this time who has the ability to beat Hillary Clinton.  Not one.  Nada.  Hillary is going to run; her machine is already started.  The Republicans have no machine to start.  Therefore, as it stands right now Hillary will be the next President.  Period.  You can even team up McCain and Romney and not even that glorious team can beat Hillary.  In fact, she is the de facto next President.  That being the case, it doesn’t matter who I vote for and I will vote the Libertarian ticket. 

Q. California has a lot of anti-gun measures in the hopper and they’ve passed a lot already.  What are you going to do?  (George ~ Mt. Shasta City, CA)
A. One of the laws proposed is absurd; it requires that any gun not in active use be locked up.  How can you defend your house in the middle of the night against someone who has just broken in if you have to run a combination or get a key, open a locked safe, pick a gun, load it with ammo and then confront your enemy?  So there I am, having just shot the Jesse James of modern times in the middle of robbing my house and raping my wife, and I go to jail while his family readies a lawsuit against me for not complying with the law by having my gun locked up?  Knowing that, what do you expect my reaction is going to be when the cop comes through the door to arrest me?  

Q. What’s the flap about Russia raising the fee to carry one of our astronauts to the International Space Station?  (Penelope ~ Ashland, OR)
A. You would think that, instead of crying like babies on the playground, we’d simply start charging them rent for using the space station, wouldn’t you?  I suppose our boys come up with the idea of renaming the I.S.S. after a big donor to the program.  How about the Microsoft Space Station or the George Soros Space Station? 

“The United States is never going to retreat from the world.”  ~ Barack Hussein Obama


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