Tuesday, August 6, 2013


CNN and NBC have announced they intend to run lengthy and repeated programming beginning next year about Hillary Clinton, her history and her background favorable to her qualifications for the Presidency.  Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has threatened both networks the GOP will deny them access to the primary debates and convention if they do not cancel the programming. 

Priebus sees this is a direct donation to the Clinton Presidential Campaign.  I don’t know about you, but I see this is a direct intervention by the media in America’s political processes with a deliberate attempt to control the winner of our Presidential elections.  This is oppression of the worst kind… oppression by the press, the media and the journalists who are supposed to be the balanced, fair and open-minded voices of our liberty.  And they want us to watch their networks?  Why don’t they run some lengthy programming on what happened at Benghazi? 

Q. I think it is more than a mere coincidence that we find out about all of NSA’s secret spying on us, the agency’s claim that it has to do this to protect our country and the sudden alarm and closure of our Middle-Eastern Embassies and Consulates.  Do you think this could be a manufactured crisis?  (Doreen ~ Bishop, CA)
A. You’re thinking like a conspiracy buff.  But, the answer is yes, that could be the case and no, I would not put it past the Obama Administration. 

Q. Why has Chris Christie started a verbal war with Rand Paul?  Can’t Republicans get on the same side of things?  (Paula ~ Las Vegas, NM)
A. Christie is going to run for President in 2016.  I can just see it now: Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama vs. Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.  Here we go with another no-brainer Democratic Party win.    

Q. I just heard something about millions of Americans now being able to buy guns?  What’s that all about?  (Daryl ~ Sedona, AZ)
A. Let me straighten you out.  Currently, illegal aliens cannot legally buy guns in the U.S.  Once they are granted amnesty or “temporary citizenship” or whatever you want to call it, that barrier evaporates. 

“Progress might have been alright once, but it has gone on too long.” ~ Ogden Nash


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