Stephen A. Schwarzman, founder of the private equity firm Blackstone, is establishing what he hopes will be a competitor to the famed Rhodes Scholarship by setting up a $300 million scholarship fund at Beijing's Tsinghua University. It will be the largest philanthropic gift with foreign money in China's history and should attract students from around the world.
You’re wondering why the scholarship is not being
established in the U.S.? Let’s face it;
our education system is not producing any great scholars lately. Additionally, any country dumb enough to reelect
the likes of Barack Obama has proven its stupidity prima facie. Finally, the left wing would probably demand
that illegal immigrants be included. Oh, and if they graduate in the U.S., where are they going to find a job?
Q. Why is it the gays keep insisting they be admitted to the
Boy Scouts? Why not the Girl
Scouts? (Leigh ~ South Gate, CA)
A. Because they can make more noise by targeting the Boy
Scouts. I will tell you straight up
right now: if the Boy Scouts cave in on this, they may as well fold their
collective tents. It’s all about tearing
at our social and religious fabrics in an effort to destroy everything this
country stands for. They should pack
their nylons and head for another country.
Let them try this antic in Iran.
Q. Some talk show host, I can’t remember who, indicated that
the liberal domination of U.S. news may be about to end. Do you know any details? (Chris ~ Chehalis, WA)
A. Two staunch conservatives, Charles and David Koch of Koch
Industries, are considering the purchase of the Tribune Newspaper Company,
parent company of the Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore
Sun, the Orlando Sentinel and other publications. It sure would be nice to have some really
straight news out there.
Q. Why is the Apple stock dropping so badly? (Morgan ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. Worms.
would bug a guy from the Taliban more than seeing a gay
woman in a suit
surrounded by Jews?” ~ Ellen
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