Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday signed off on a sweeping, first-of-its-kind treaty to regulate the international arms trade.  The United States agreed to it.  Ostensibly, the treaty deals only with the exports of weaponry such as battle tanks, combat vehicles, aircraft and attack helicopters, as well as parts and ammunition for such weapons. It also provides that signatories will not violate arms embargoes, international treaties regarding illicit trafficking, or sell weaponry to a country for genocide, crimes against humanity or other war crimes. The vote for passage was 154 to 3 with 23 nations abstaining. 

There are a lot of holes in the language of the treaty which could open the door for the U.N. to ban small arms within the United States in direct conflict with the 2nd Amendment.  Since it is a treaty, the Constitution requires that the Senate ratify the treaty, but there is no guarantee that Obama won’t simply sign it.  He has been circumventing Congress in violation of the Constitution for several years.  In the meanwhile, the supply of ammo in this country continues to dry up. 

Q. Did I hear something about the FBI having a document that proves the existence of UFO’s?  (Emory ~ Stead, NV)
A. Dated March 22, 1950, the memo sets out the discovery of three disc-shaped metallic objects, approximately 50 feet in diameter with raised centers, in New Mexico.  Each disc had three bodies in it of human shape and approximately 3 feet tall; they were dressed in a fine fabric of metallic nature.  The memo, sent to the Director of the FBI, has been in the public realm since 1970, but no one really picked up on it until recently.  The claim was never investigated by the FBI to determine its factual authenticity.  Despite rumors to the contrary, one of them did not survive and end up being the President of North Korea. 

Q. It’s been almost eight months since the attack at Benghazi and the White House continues to stonewall while no one does anything about it.  It looks like this story is successfully buried and it’s a tragedy.  (Lars ~ Tacoma, WA) 
A. It is now appearing that Secretary of State Clinton lied to Congress when she said she didn’t know anything about the allegations that we were engaged in selling arms to Syrian rebels through the Libyan Embassy.  I firmly believe that the answers to the Benghazi Massacre would reveal blatantly impeachable offenses by Obama.   

Q. Charles Krauthammer said over the weekend that the gay marriage case before the Supreme Court may be the signs of an upcoming government attack on religion.   Do you agree?  (Shirley ~ Boise, ID)
A. Remember when Obama, while running for President, made a snide remark in Pennsylvania about residents there “clinging onto their guns and religion?”  Well, he has a full-court press on for gun control right now.  The only other obstacle to his fascist agenda is religion. 

“Sometimes I think I lived a previous life on another planet and screwed up; I got sent to hell and here I am.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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