Wednesday, April 24, 2013


His Holiness Michael Bloomberg, Lord God in charge of all U.S. lunacy, says that the Boston Marathon bombings justify a re-interpretation of the Constitution.  “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry, but we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will.  And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”  Bloomberg also invoked gun control while making his point about the Constitution and security, insisting that there are interpretations of the Second Amendment that allow for “reasonable gun laws.”

Here’s another left-winged radical who thinks that only he has the right to make U.S. law and that he has every right to compel us to abide.  There are only two ways, Mr. Bloomhead, to change the meaning or the verbiage of the Constitution: (1) Amendment and (2) Revolution.  What’s YOUR choice, as if I didn’t already know?  God forbid the day you and Obama both get locked up in the same room together, because you both believe you and only you are The Omnipotent One.  We don’t have to give up any of our liberties to make this nation more secure, but we DO need to march all of the radical thinkers and doers off the end of the plank at the deep end of the cesspool.   

Q. What do you think of the opinion that Obama’s loss on the gun control issue in the Senate makes him a “Lame Duck” President?  (Felicia ~ Santa Monica, CA)
A. Those who believe he has been severely wounded politically have another thing coming.  This man is not finished, by any means.  I don’t even know that he will be finished after he eventually ends up in a cemetery someplace.  Evil continues to exist wherever vigilance does not.    

Q. Max Baucus, who almost single-handedly passed ObamaCare, came out and said in essence that he made a mistake and that ObamaCare is a “train wreck.”  Now, he’s decided not to run for reelection.  What’s your opinion?  (Kimmie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. He is totally against Obama’s gun control proposals.  Having ticked off both Democrats and Republicans, his odds of being reelected are below 0%.    

Q. I understand there is a new strain of bird flu that is highly lethal.  Can you tell me any more about it?  (Delcie ~ Riverton, WY)
A. Originating again in China, it is much more easily transmitted from birds to humans than prior strains and there is growing concern that the virus may have learned to jump from human to human.  "The situation remains complex and difficult and evolving," says Keiji Fukuda, World Health Organization assistant director-general for health security.  I recommend that you not fly to China; odds are you’ll be grounded here anyway due to Obama's airport delays. 

“Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first, but it won't take long before you feel the impact.” ~ Barack Obama


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