The giant head of a male in a Greek or Roman-esq style was
found in the river just south of Poughkeepsie by a Marist College crew team.
The team is now trying to determine the origin of the seven-foot-tall head.
No, Obama has not been decapitated. Could it be a well-preserved alien head? Maybe some prior civilization consisted of
giants. Can you imagine a
seven-foot-tall head? Upon closer
examination, it was observed that the head was made of fiberglass. Must have been a radical left-wing
Q. Now they’re finally confirming the use of chemical
weapons in Syria, what do you think Obama will do about it? (Vince ~ Goleta, CA)
A. The question is: what CAN
he do about it? From a legal standpoint,
we have no right to do anything until the U.N. or Syria asks us to step
in. From a practical standpoint, our
military is stretched thin and, of course, we have the defense cuts Obama
insisted on. From an international
political standpoint, what will we do if Russia decides to support Assad? From a domestic political standpoint, who is
really ready to go into war in Syria when Obama has so badly mismanaged
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq? I’ll
catch flak for saying this, but I’m thinking we should pull all military assets out of the Middle East, except for what we have in Turkey.
They can then all have war and annihilate each other. Then, they’ll all be dead and we can have all
of the oil we want.
Q. What’s your opinion of the Congressional hearings into
the drone program? (Red ~ Redding, CA)
A. Like the hearings into Benghazi, it was another dog and
pony show and produced little of substance. Although Obama had promised
more transparency on the drone issue, the White House responded to the
Congressional request to have someone there from the Administration... by not
sending anyone. A President who refuses
to answer to the call of the people is not a President, he’s a dictator.
Q. What do you think about the five Presidents meeting up at
the same place for the dedication of George W. Bush’s Library? (Brittany ~ Studio City, CA)
A. You got it wrong; there were only four Presidents
there. Obama is no President. What amazes me is that only two guys really
liked each other: George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Yet, they all managed to heap compliments on
George W. Well, compared to Obama and Carter, you
could say he’s a prince.
“Government does not create wealth. The major role for the
government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the
job rate in the United States.” ~ George W. Bush
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