Saturday, April 13, 2013


Energy officials have told the department is preparing to ship 403 welded steel containers of a man-made highly radioactive cargo to the Nevada National Security Site, (formerly the Nevada Test Site), about an hour northwest of Las Vegas.  The canisters would carry about 2.6 kilograms of uranium-233 and uranium-235 – two products so dangerous that they require safety escorts and can only be handled with remote-controlled cranes. 


I have no problem with the final resting place; the Nevada Test Site was home to countless above-ground and below-ground nuclear tests for decades and is highly radioactive already.  It’s an ideal location for this type of waste.  I do have concern with the logistics of the transportation to the site.  They tested some transportation canisters for what was to be a nuke waste destination northeast of the currently proposed site, and those canisters tested excellent considering possible transportation accidents.  I think that, should that type of canister be used and the transportation takes the least inhabited routes, I could be okay with that. 


Q. How can you possibly be against background checks for gun purchases?  (Leonora ~ Milpitas, CA)
A. To the contrary, I’m in favor of background checks as long as the program is well thought out and duly considered.  I believe those “accused” of being mentally unfit for gun ownership deserve the right to due process, or to defend themselves.  For example, many medicines used to treat mental issues are also used to treat other things.  There must be some mechanism to remove the restrictions, particularly where the initial reports of mental problems turn out to be a mistake, as has already happened.  Finally, we must understand that background checks are not the end of the issue: there are already mentally unfit people in possession of guns; there are crooks and thugs who are not mentally unfit but also not legally entitled to be in possession of weapons, such as felons; and the failure to recognize the true causes of physical violence of any kind and to address those issues in particular is totally irresponsible.  The legislation as proposed at this stage of the game falls far short of being ideal. 

Q. This latest story about the liberals claiming that our children do not belong to us; they belong to the collective… that kind of talk has me really concerned about the future of our country.  What is your opinion?  (Jeremiah ~ St. George, UT)
A. Wake up!  The liberals have already taken extensive steps to mold your children into their idea of utopia.  They are not teaching real world history, but they are indoctrinating our children with Marxist and far-left liberal thinking.  They’re actively removing ethics and morals from our society.  They’re establishing laws about what you feed your kids, their medical care, and what vocations they may pursue based on their scholastic grade scores. The answer is revolution.   I’m not necessarily talking about going to war, but I’m talking about standing up in schools and other venues to make it clear that this agenda is not acceptable. 

Q. How do you feel about the revelation that cancer clinics across the country have begun turning away thousands of Medicare patients, blaming the sequester budget cuts?  (Lupe ~ Santa Cruz, CA)
A. I don’t mean to be facetious, but if it doesn’t bother Obama, why should it bother you? 


“One nuclear war is going to be the last nuclear - the last war, frankly, if it really gets out of hand. And I just don't think we ought to be prepared to accept that sort of thing.” ~ Lawrence Eagleburger


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