Thursday, November 8, 2012


"Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble ... like never before," he says. "Our nation is a once great nation divided! The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy. Hopefully the House of Representatives can hold our country together for four more years ... stay strong and never give up! House of Representatives shouldn't give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare."

“Well, back to the drawing board!" he posted Tuesday night, followed by a series of increasingly disgruntled remarks.  "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty!  Our nation is totally divided! Let’s fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us. This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!"

Ditto.  Harry Reid came out and promised he would never, ever work with Romney if Romney was elected.  Turnabout is fair play.  Boehner cannot and must not work with Obama. 

Q. Do you think Obama is serious about trying to mend fences?  (Tamara ~ Redding, CA)
A. No.  I think you will now see Obama proceed to do everything we feared he would if he was elected to a second term.  He’ll probably be spinning and claiming that he won a massive mandate from the American electorate and you can expect gun control legislation, legalization of illegal immigrants, massive spending, tax hikes and a much stronger “holier than thou” attitude. 

Q. I just can’t believe that Obama won.  What do you think happened?  (Kyran ~ Loma Linda, CA)
A. The Republicans put up a weak candidate… again.  I can’t begin to tell you how angry I am with the Republican Party.  History shows that Americans must stand strong and firm in defense of the great principles upon which this country were founded; the Republicans are just as corrupt within as the Democrats and therefore don’t measure up to the task.  I’m afraid we’re looking at 12 more years of pure left-wing liberal Socialistic hell… four under Obama and eight under Clinton.  The GOP is now toothless and meaningless. 

Q. Will we now get the answer to what really happened in Benghazi and why?  (Arnie ~ Johnson Park, CA)
A. No.  Obama and Holder will continue to stonewall it and cover it up, just like Fast & Furious. 

"While President Obama shirks his responsibility to advance solutions to our fiscal challenges, he can no longer hide from the merciless math of the balance sheet.  Conservatives have made certain of that." ~ Paul Ryan


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