Saturday, November 10, 2012


President Obama laid down the gauntlet yesterday and demanded tax hikes as part of any package to save the country from going over the fiscal cliff.  He asserted that the fact he won the election certifies that Americans support his positions and he admonished Congress to get with the program.  House Speaker John Boehner took issue with the President’s position.   

Frankly, I agree with Obama. We should be more like Greece. 

Q. What can you possibly say to those unfortunate people without power in the Northeast?  (Madrid ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Now, don’t you worry… Obama’s been reelected and he and FEMA will be there to get your power back on pretty soon.  Just hang on there for a few more weeks and everything will be just hunky dory; you may not have power for Thanksgiving, but you’ll certainly have it back on before Christmas. 

Q. What do you think about the possibility that Holder may resign?  (Bermuda ~ Palm Desert, CA)
A. That would certainly put an end to the Fast & Furious charges against him, let him escape unscathed, and be a gross miscarriage of justice due.  My thinking is that he might become White House Counsel and defend Obama against any Benghazi Impeachment attempt.  This all certainly seems like a good shuffle of the deck for Obama. 

Q. Now that Obama has been anointed again as the National Messiah, will he stay home and do his damned job?  He certainly didn’t log much time in the Oval Office during his first term.  (Andy ~ Perry, UT)
A. It doesn’t sound like it.  He’s facing a whole gamut of pressing national and international issues, but he’s leaving for Burma, Cambodia and Thailand in two weeks in what will undoubtedly be the first “bow” tour of the coming season.  Maybe he’ll apologize for those of us who voted against him.  You’ll notice, by the way, that when the heat goes up Obama always gets out of the kitchen. 

“We are a country in favor of redistribution, national weakness and reduced standard of living and lower and lower levels of personal freedom.... The takers outvoted the producers.” ~ Robert Murray, announcing 150 layoffs. 

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (This lady is the epitome of an Obama voter…)

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