Friday, November 2, 2012


News came out yesterday that Ambassador Stevens personally called for help during the Benghazi attack.  The call was made to Gregory Hicks, the Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli, who immediately notified Washington DC to trigger all the mechanisms that need to be put in place in such events.  A decision was made “at the highest levels of our government” not to convene the official Counter-Terrorism Security Group which would normally immediately step in, assess the situation and start the process of response.  And, contrary to what has been said in the past, Secretary of State Clinton called the FBI on the night of the attack.  Finally, it appears that the Libyan government itself was at least complicit in the attack, may have provided reconnaissance to the terrorists and actually turned down requests from the Consulate for help.    

Every day brings more revelations that prove the whitewash and ensuing stonewalling.  I've been wondering if Obama called the Libyan President that night and am now suspecting that he did and got flipped the finger.  This whole massacre has been compartmentalized, covered up and centralized into one White House office of control to the extent that no one can do anything with respect to the issue without White House consent.  But White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is right on top of things; yesterday, he said “We’re investigating.” That's the same thing he said the day after the attack.  Remember all of this when you step into the election booth. 

Q. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about electronic voting machines.  Have they improved the technology?  (Jodi ~ Simi Valley, CA)
A. Not really.  As a matter of fact, many states have gone back to the paper ballots and others are backing their electronic systems up with paper copies.  Paper ballots can still be scanned and if there is a dispute, easily recounted.  I think a good portion of the problem is the multitude of voters, many of which have never used a computer.  And, of course, there are those left-wing liberals who keep trying to vote three or four times while still in the booth...

Q. I see New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is endorsing Obama.  Any comments?  (Moses ~ Redding, CA)
A. Bloomer is a dolt.  He believes he has the God given power to command what you can eat and drink. And, by the way, so does Michelle Obama.   

Q. They sure blamed Bush during the Kristina aftermath.  Do you think they’ll blame Obama during the Sandy cleanup?  (Luther ~ Houston, TX)
A. No, they’ll continue to blame Bush.  In their eyes, no liberal Democrat can make a mistake.  Of course, the real answer here is that FEMA is a gigantic bureaucratic organization that has trouble getting its fanny in gear.  They should be limited to the provision of quick funding to help states and local governments deal with such a crisis.  There has already been, admittedly, lack of proper communication between the Feds and those on the ground. 

I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” ~ Abraham Lincoln  (He’s probably rolling over in his grave while watching Obama handle the Benghazi massacre.)


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