Tuesday, November 20, 2012


When it comes to fixing the “Fiscal Cliff” financial crisis facing America, over 75% of Americans are in agreement: We want a compromise that lowers tax rates, reduces tax deductions as well as promoting pro-growth fiscal policies, while reigning in spending and entitlements.  This news comes as a result of post-election surveys. 

Just as 75% of Americans were adamantly against ObamaCare but had it shoved up their collective rears anyway, Obama has made it clear that “tax and spend” is his solution and that he doesn’t care what Americans think. 

Q. You said the other day that the Iranians have been supplying Hamas with weapons because they want Israel to be tied down with that military conflict.  Has there been any discernible difference in the nuclear production process by Iran?  (Luke ~ Boise, ID)
A. The Iranians have doubled their production of enriched uranium.  Sources say that they are “very” close to being able to assemble up to 12 nukes. 

Q. I see that 97 House Republicans have fired off a letter to President Obama saying they do not want Susan Rice as Secretary of State.  Since he has previously stated that he will nominate her if he wants to, how will Obama respond?  (Minerva ~ Riverside, CA)
A. This is all just a bunch of posturing noise that is detracting from the more important issues of the day.  The House has nothing to do with confirming nominees to the President’s Cabinet; the Senate does that job, and you can expect that whomever Obama nominates, the Democrat controlled Senate will confirm. 

Q. Isn’t there some way that we can put a stop to the Obama agendas of gun control, open amnesty for illegals, higher taxes, more government regulations and socialism?  (Geoffroy ~ Central Point, OR)
A. Well, we all know that he did not win the vast mandate that he claims he won this election.  Plainly speaking, all he won was a continuation of the status quo.  Now that I’ve said that, however, just who is going to stop him? The impotent Republicans are incapable of stopping a mouse from raiding the cheese cabinet; they’ve proven for almost 30 successive years that they are as useless as teats on a boar hog.  In order to stop these agendas, you need to have the public involved and, as long as the media refuses to report news as opposed to opinion, the public will never be involved.  

“The looser the gun control laws are, the lower the crime rate is.  And that’s a fact, because more honest people have guns.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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