Saturday, November 17, 2012


Should we have expected anything more than this?  Congress and the President have reached agreement in principle to avoid the fiscal cliff and tackle the real underlying issues sometime in the next six to twelve months.  All they have to do is to decide what to do about cancelling the Bush Tax Cuts for those making over $250,000 a year and the Republicans have already signaled their willingness to do that. 

I agree that this course of action is preferable to the alternative of slashing the military budget, but it once again tells us in no uncertain terms that there is no appetite in either party for stepping up to the plate and making the tough decisions that should have been made at least four years ago.  So, we’ll continue to kick the can down the road and it’ll just be a slower trek to the fiscal abyss, more credit rating dings and more hot air reverberating through the halls of Washington.  Why don’t they just kick it down to 2016 and deal with it then?  Why the charade? 

Q. The number of Americans using food stamps has escalated again, now to 50 million.  How can they say the economy is getting better?  (Jackie ~ Silver Springs, NV)
A. The same way they can say the Benghazi massacre was due to a video and a demonstration that got out of control.  Lying, spinning and misrepresentation of the facts has become a culture of the thugs in this Administration. 

Q. Now that Petraeus has testified, Clinton is also going to testify sometime next month.  Why not immediately and could she have gotten away with not testifying at all?  (Melchor ~ Escondido, CA)
A. Petraeus testified behind closed doors.  Clinton needs to find out what he said so that she and Obama can come up with something for her to say that will protect Obama and at the same time not directly disagree with whatever Petraeus said.  She has to have the opportunity to divert any flak coming from Congress; otherwise she would continue to evade testifying completely and yes, she could get away with it; just who is going to prosecute her, Holder? 

Q. Now that Obama has been reelected, is there any chance at all that we can stop ObamaCare?  (Tyler ~ Hayfork, CA)
A. No.  There are a couple of cases coming up before the Supreme Court, but they are not likely to rule against their previous ruling this summer which upheld ObamaCare.  This will prove to be the worst thing that has ever happened to this country, with the possible exceptions of the Civil War and the banning of 32-ounce soft drinks in New York City. 

“Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today.” ~ Mark Twain


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