Friday, November 16, 2012


In what is probably a trial balloon and a signal of things to come, Rep. Shelley Moore Capitol, R-W.Va has predicted an immediate short-term deal to avoid the fiscal cliff and she went on to suggest tax rate hikes "could" be on the table next year.  At the same time, a group of Senate Democrats has demanded significantly more taxes to pay for another stimulus as part of any budget deal.    

Congress obviously intends to continue spending and to make us pay for it and the Republicans, as I have previously predicted, are not going to stop it.  All of their bark has no bite. 

Q. I can’t believe that you, a professed life-long Republican, can be so quick to throw them under the bus. How can we possibly resolve all of the crap that is happening without them?  (Vic ~ Carson City, NV)
A. When is the last time that the Republicans took a stand and stuck to it?  I can’t remember, either.  Even when they controlled both Congressional Houses and the White House, they were incompetent and ineffective.  If the nation is going to resolve its problems, it’s going to have to find some way to do it without the Republican Party, pure and simple. And, by the way, as of yesterday I am no longer a registered Republican; I'm a "free agent." 

Q. What stance do you think the U.S. will take if war breaks out between Israel and Gaza?  (Bea ~ Redding, CA)
A. Knowing of Obama’s infinite love for the Jews, we’ll probably supply arms and ammo to Hamas and the Palestinians.  We certainly will not side with Israel; we might verbally pretend to support them, but don’t look for any military help. 

Q. Would it be fair to say that Susan Rice must have a lot to hide if the President of the United States himself comes out and tells everyone to “back off?” ~ Woody ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. You can bet your sweet potatoes on that one. 

"You can't make war in the Middle East with Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria."  ~ Henry Kissinger


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